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StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/5/2006 12:24:53 AM
Hello everyone. Now I know that you are all going to tell me that you are in Stormpay. Anyone who is not, is not using these payment processors correctly. However, if there is a member of our community who has not got an account yet. Get one free here! The reason I ask if you are using your Stormpay account right, or correctly, is that, by using the StormClix part of Stormpay, which is free for all Stormpay members. You can earn around $30-$40 a month or more, easily (FREE). "There's never anything to click" I can hear you saying now! Well, if you are not NetIBA registered, there will not be. NetIBA registration costs $19.95 a year, for One website, or one email address, or a business account. Click here to register "Why should I bother wasting my money"? Actually, you will not be wasting any money, apart from be able to access StormClix & earn the bigger paying 'clix'. (See note) 'StormClix pays directly into your StormPay account for viewing links submitted by our advertisers. You choose when you want to process your payments! (Up to a maximum of once every 24 hours) From your StormClix Profile page you can elect to process your payment immediately or wait until you feel you've made enough to transfer into your account. The choice is yours! Easy to get paid - Just click on the advertiser's link, read the ad, and get paid! Get paid from 1¢ to $5 per click. You decide which links to click and get paid for. Choose one or choose all! You must view each link clicked for 20 seconds in order to get paid for it. If the next link is clicked too soon you will receive an error message reminding you of the 20 second delay. Once you receive credit for a link you will not be able to click it a second time and when the "browse" page is refreshed that clicked link will no longer appear in the page view.' You will also be earning more money everytime you receive a Stormpay payment. (see note) 'StormPay members, Due to the tremendous support you have shown over the years, StormPay has been able to negotiate a lower fees structure with our processing bank(s). Effective 12 noon, U.S. Central Standard Time, on December 15, 2005, StormPay will offer it's NetIBA Certified members a special fee structure of 2.9% plus 39 cents per transaction on payments received. All accounts who are not NetIBA Certified will remain at current rate structure. For information on upgrading your StormPay account to NetIBA Certified status, please visit NetIBA's website by Clicking here to register.' One other thing about StomClix, Have you used it yet to get sign-ups or customers??? Here is a note about the advertising (I know it works, as I use it) Advertisers!

Choose your own Advertising Budget!
Get your ad seen for as little as 1¢ per potential customer. You set your own budget and number of clicks you want your ad to generate. Minimum $5 Purchase. All listings are displayed in a single group with the highest value clix listed first and older ads before newer ones. Caution: This program produces very fast and high traffic results. Could cause some smaller sites to crash due to their inability to handle the traffic volume.
One last little detail for all those who think that being NetIBA registered & using Stormclix is a waste of time. (see note on todays stats for StormClix) Statistics for the last 30 days (05 Dec 2005 00:00 CST-03 Jan 2006 23:59 CST) New Ads: 6,610 Total Clicks Made: 10,243,900 Amount Earned by Users: $123,605.68 Not bad Stats for something that comes free, with your Stormpay account is it? Join StormPay free here! Get NetIBA registered Click here to register Unlike the 'Paid Auto-Surfs' you do not have to pay to 'upgrade' there is not a set amount you can earn & it's free with your StormPay membership. Do like some members at Adlandpro are doing, Use your 'free' Stormclix money, to pay for your Paid Auto-Surf programs, that way if anything goes wrong with your particular program, you have not spent your own money! One last tip before I finish. I generally log-in to my StormPay account & the StormClix area. around once an hour & 'click the clix'. You will find a pattern arising for those of you unable to have 24Hr Internet Access (work) when the higher paying clicks are there, you have to be quick, as for obvious reasons, they are not there for long & the normal 'clix' are usually for 1-3 cents. I average around $1.20-$1.75 a day, but every now & then I find the $1-$2-$3-$4 & once a $5 clix. Without being NetIBA registered, all I would find (as I have found out) are around 25; 1.cent clix's a day. Next time you are in the StormClix area, see how many clix are for NetIBA registered members only. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Misty Hickox

128 Posts
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Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/5/2006 12:49:33 AM
Anthony, I did not know this. THANK YOU
Sarka Ksandrova

827 Posts
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Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/5/2006 12:55:18 AM
Hi Antony! I am allredy a Stormpay and Netiba Member. Do you know, that you can promote your netiba with Yorgoo and Caschflowin? here are the link for that: Look good what all you can promote there: all your Payaccounts, Netiba, traffics... In caschflowin you have to promo your stormpay, PayPal, e-buy affiliate and in making thats site must mew mwmber give there own Netiba ID too. For sign up go here on thats link: Visit please my site and write ne, what do you think about:
Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/5/2006 1:15:20 AM
Hi Misty. I'm glad that this information has been helpful to you. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/5/2006 1:19:28 AM
Hello Sarka, Yes I do know about Yorgoo & all of it's many programs. I have been a pro member for over a year now & have a very large Downline in Yorgoo, HIOD, CashFlowin, Yorgosy etc. I also get members for my Adlandpro afiliation with it too! No Hype, no paid traffic, no paid sign ups, just organic growth, thats YORGOO! Best of all, you can try YORGOO at nada cost, for as long as you like and even earn money while doing so. The new release brings to all users additional professional tools, such as a professional traffic management rotator, a link organizer and for Pro Users a unlimited Voice/Video online Conferencing Facility. Plus much more. You will not be disappointed from a free tour and trial I would like to invite you to take. Please join from: Your security friend in Las Vegas.