Hello Everyone,
It is so good to see people letting us know how they feel and what they use and how to deal with forgiveness.
I like what Jill said "cutting imbellical cord and you watch them float away" I have said to people about forgiveness and my answer has been will I can forgive them if they did something to me, but not to my kids and etc. So here you harbor that feeling of discomfort inside of you forever. To me things like this fester and grow. I know I have done this for years. When I started on the path of forgiving I learned a lot about myself. I learned I was as good a person that I wanted to be. It took me awhile to even think of forgiving someone, but when I got started it became much easier. It was like I became lighter and you know I did, it was not carrying that load of dislike anymore. Forgiveness is love. What a wonderful relief it is.
Hope this is helpful to all. Myrna