Γεια Γεώργιος Θυμάμαι φίλο σας Είπατε ότι το όνομά μου, όπως σας Και εξευγενισμένα όπως είναι πιο σωστό να γράψει το όνομα του Και θυμάμαι που έγραψε για τον εαυτό σας ότι αγαπάτε το κρασί και τις γυναίκες. Σωστά; Hello Georgios I remember your friendship request! You said, my name Lidia likes You. And refined as it is more correct to write the name Lydia in English. And I remember, You wrote about yourself, that You love wine and women. Right? Love and hugs from Russia, Lydia Quote: HI POTW TEAM and Adlanders
LYDIA FOKINA is a dear friend. I know her since December 2005! The 313th POTW was just a relaxing walk from Moskow to Washington. I am very happy and honored having friends like Lydia. CONGRATS QUEEN You deserve this honour and this nice heart. Click above
Love and hugs from Greece Georgios