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Karen Gigikos

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RE: Choose what kind of a picture you would like to see your self in karen
1/30/2012 3:11:13 AM
A master peace

karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Choose what kind of a picture you would like to see your self in karen
1/30/2012 4:41:38 PM
A master peace


Am I wrong, or that's me?

Karen, I love it. Not because I am in it but the idea of it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Patricia Bartch

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RE: Choose what kind of a picture you would like to see your self in karen
1/30/2012 5:29:44 PM
thank you karen and i like the picture you did of me in the computer.

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Patricia Bartch

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RE: Choose what kind of a picture you would like to see your self in karen
1/30/2012 5:31:13 PM
I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Karen Gigikos

1410 Posts
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RE: Choose what kind of a picture you would like to see your self in karen
1/30/2012 6:13:54 PM
I Just heard this morning from my doctor
I have not been feeling well hurt all over bad so doctor, took lots of test my kidneys are not working well, I have inflammation all through my body all ready have two stints in my heart and now a blockage they are watching going to my brain. Could use some prayers . I am so tried. hard to sing even . I hope they can fix the problems I see the doctor again in two week for the same test. if them it has not gotten better then I will be a specialist. the doctor said. he call me this morning. hugs Karen
karen gigikos / black belt grannyHobbies

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