Hello Jim, Peter and friends,
What irritates me when I read these posts from the link you gave - This is a deliberate attempt to be-smirk Peter and start up dissension.
There is important informational posts missing, because I have read the correspondence from both parties, as Peter copied and pasted them for all to see, yet this writer only copies and pasted the replies from Peter, to put him into a bad light - Writer, where are yours?.. Remember there is two sides to every story.
This is deliberate to mislead with misinformation and lies one sided dialogue from this party to curry favour against Peter whom she has the grievance against. And if her age has or surgery has anything to do with it with this Malice!
What this writer needs to do is post all their writings - from both parties, then the readers will have the information to be in full disclosure of what happened. However I do not reckon that will happen as it would not be in this persons favour to enlighten their audience who is the Cyber Bully!
Quote: Well now it appears we were heard as she SG Blowhard has removed some of the content on the page relating to Mary Evelyn, but not our friend Peter nor her many references to myself on other forums. So we will continue to expose this harpy as her assault continues. Only thing is, NOW it is personal and public her choice not mine. I just fight back!
Quote: Quote: In a continued effort to report, prevent, and eliminate cyber crime, we are joining the online effort to inform and alert the public of known crimes. As of yet, there has not been any definite laws regulating this kind of online crime. We would like to see that changed.
It just never seems to end with some of these whack jobs does it? Read More here