Hi Brian, I was happy to pay your message forward to 501 of randomly selected friends in HotSpotMailer. This is an edited version for better viewing as promised in AdLandPro: ************************************************************************ Hi HSM Friends, Come on over to AdLandPro(land of professional advertisers)! Stop! Save some time...don't read this message here. It is a much better read in AdLandPro. Scroll to the bottom and click for credits. That will take you to Brian Lawrences comment in the Deal of the Day forum. We advertise for all of our friends there. All who visit the Deal of the Day forum are encouraging to join HotSpotMailer. The synergy of HotSpotMailer and the AdLandPro community is nothing short of AWESOME! ********************************************************************** Today I want to share with you my friend Brian Lawrence's comment in the Deal of the Day forum...scroll to the bottom and click for your credits...but before you scroll save Click Here! That will take you to a page where you can join AdLandPro and receive better than free advertising. OK to scroll now...more information below Brian's comment. ****************************** *************** RE: FREE ADVERTISING ! 1/25/2012 10:11:16 PM ********************************************* Hi Robert, Thanks for the lead on the free classifieds. All the Best, Brian Lawrence bmlawr The Company that Pays YOU to Receive Text Messages Do you know anyone that text messages with a cell phone? How many people do you believe do this? http://li.nk2.biz/2d2 ********************************************************************** To put Brian's comment in perspective you must click the back arrow or the 1 to read previous post in this thread. You may also wish to receive better than free advertising yourself. You need to be a member of AdLandPro. If you are not a member you may Click Here to Join If you are already a member or after you become a member you will find better than free advertising in the "Deal of the Day" forum.
Click Here to visit the "Deal of the Day" forum. We pay your ads forward! Click the Join This Forum button. Click New Topic. Post your ad. We pay it forward from there. Click on some of the other threads in this forum to see the residual and exponential exposure these ads are getting. Invite me as a friends. We can share strategies for success and getting the most out of AdLandPro.
Hint: What you get out of anything is largely dependent on what you put in. Putting your ads in this forum will get you extraordinary results. To our mutual success, Ken Wolff Click Here to see Brian's Comment!
 Unlimited Email Ads & Unlimited Bucks Hello! Tired of being about to email your ads once a week or once a day? Well look no more as the *HotSpotMailer* has just opened its doors. Find the hotspots and get even more people to email - easy. *Email as often as you want. *Unlimited Email Advertising & Unlimited Earnings. *All the extra's are dirt cheap too! Click Here For Details! *Don't hesitant and give it a try! Regards, Ken Wolff