Today's Insight!
"WHY, AND WHAT IS MAN? We find in the physical universe that automatic laws govern everything; "
"for instance, the tree cannot say “I will not,” because of the law that holds it in place; it grows without any volition of its own. So it is with all nature; but when we come to man we find a different manifestation of the Spirit, a being who can say “I choose.”
In all creation, man alone is an individual; man alone is free; and yet man alone wants, is sick, suffers, and is unhappy. ‘Man marks the earth with ruin”; why? because he has not found his true nature. The very thing that should free him, and eventually will do so, now limits him.
God could not make an individual without making him able to think, and he cannot think without bringing upon himself the results of his thought, good or bad. This does not mean using two powers, but using the One from two standpoints.
Nothing in itself is either good or bad; all things exist in mind as a potentiality; mind is eternally acting upon thought, continually producing its own images from mind, and casting them out into manifestation. Man must be the outcome of the desire of the Spirit to make something which expresses the same life that It feels.
Man is made to be a companion of the Infinite; but to arrive at this exalted plane of being, he must have his freedom, and be let alone to discover his own nature; to return love to his Creator only when he chooses to do so. At the doorway, then, of man’s mind this wonderful God has to wait. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock”; the opening must be on the part of the individual.
Man lives in a mind that presses in upon him from all sides with infinite possibilities, with infinite creative power. The divine urge of infinite love crowds itself upon him, and awaits his recognition. Being the image of this Power, his thought also must be the Word or cause in the life.
At the center of his being is all the power that he will need on the path of his unfoldment; all the mind that man has is as much of this Infinite Mind as he allows to flow through him.
We have often thought of God as far off, and of man as a being separate from the All Good; now we are coming to see that God and man are one, and that that One is simply awaiting man’s recognition, that he may spring into being and become to man all that he could wish or want. “As the father has inherent life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life within himself.” "
"It could not be otherwise; we are all in Mind and Mind is always creating for us as we think; and as we are thinking creatures, always thinking, our happiness depends upon our thought. Let us consider the law of our life."
"It Operates Simply By Speaking"
– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '
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