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Re: Underpriviledged
1/5/2006 8:31:40 PM
Linda, Hi I am a little slow In reading this. But this way I get to see more of the responces. I really LOVE the hummer in this and also the hummer in the responces. I'm 62. Can each of you remember BacK? That is what makes this funny. We each do are own thing ( or should ) regardless of age. Blessing to all Elbert L ( gouardhead ) .
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Wendy Hollen

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Re: Underpriviledged
1/6/2006 1:21:34 PM
Linda, That is sooooo true!! I used to work in a mall and the things they came in wearing. Some in practically their underware!!! I thank God every day that my daughter has better senses. She does like the "low rise" jeans, but she wears her shirt long enough to cover things. The thing that amazes me the most are the prices some people will pay for those itty bitty shirts and jeans. I could pay a few bills off of what they spend!!! I could go on and on but I will stop here. Hope everyone has a great New Year!!! Wendy
Re: Underpriviledged
1/6/2006 3:07:57 PM
Have you heard of "Muffin Tops"? That's when the person that wears the low rider jeans and belly shirt is out of shape or the clothes are too tight for them. The fat spills out over the pants like a muffin! I heard this on TV.
Manuel Davis

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Re: Underpriviledged
1/10/2006 2:22:53 PM
Penny, Those underprivileged children your story made mention of probably had more money in their collective pockets than we ever did as children of that age. The clothing they wear costs nearly ten times ours did and they look that way on purpose, it is a look they call Grunge I believe, and most hip hop and other groups that they follow dress in that manner, therefore they follow suit. I enjoyed the analogy and the topic was a good one. I used to ask my son why he dressed like that and he told me that it was the style, I mean when I was his age I wore Italian Knit Shirts and raw silk trousers, we were a generation of well dressed youngsters to say the least, jeans and sneakers were something worn on picnics and outings of the like, however the sneakers and jeans of our time were in no manner of speaking half as expensive as the ones that they wear today. Either way it was enjoyed and I just wanted to let you know how much, you always write great commentary perhaps you should be working for the London Post or some daily News Paper over there, You’d make a mint, again Happy New Year and may all the best be yours for the taking. Respectfully, Manuel D.
Re: Underpriviledged
1/12/2006 2:11:12 PM
That was just delightfully funny! I loved it we should print copies and hand them out at the mall! Do you think they would get it!? As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan

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