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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/26/2013 2:58:43 PM
Tammy Wynette and George Jones - Golden Ring
George Jones & Tammy Wynette We're Gonna Hold On Tv 1973

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/26/2013 3:05:52 PM
Today's Daily Inspiration

Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. Shake things up today! Be You...Be Free...

~ Steve Maraboli

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/26/2013 11:00:09 PM

Hi Evelyn

George Jones is one of my favorite singers. Thanks to YouTube we will get to listen to him for a long time. Although, I never heard him make a public profession of faith, I think he turned his life over to Jesus Christ after his accident. I don't know that. Only God knows the heart. I do know he spent some time with the Bill Gaither group. I like to think he and Vestal Goodman are romping around heaven as we speak :))

Here's another video that I think would be appropriate at this time.

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/27/2013 9:06:39 AM

Hello Everyone

Here's a new batch of Love Languages. See how you do with discovering your children's love languages. If you fill their love needs, hopefully it will help to keep them from looking for love in all the wrong places. Get them involved in finding their mom's and/or dad's love language ...or gramma's and grandpa's.

I listened to the videos with Oprah. They were good and they were short. If you watch one, remember to click the Back button on your browser to be able to click on the next one and so on.


The 5 Love Languages®

Words Of Affirmation

"I write the words "I love you" or "I'm thinking of you" or even "Baby, you're the greatest" into a banana and pack it in his lunch box. You can write with anything sharp into the peel and it will show up clearly in just a few minutes." ~Anonymous

Acts Of Service

"My husband works a swing shift, and as a result he is always tired. When he is coming home from work after working 3-11pm, I sometimes surprise him by having the garbage can brought out to the road (typically his job) and having a snack plate and beverages ready for both of us to sit down together and have some quality time and snuggling. His big smile is a wonderful reward for me and fills my love tank too!" ~Jennifer

Receiving Gifts

Do they have a favorite author? If so, pick up a title from their favorite author at a local book store. If you can find a classic, autographed, or authentic vintage edition at a used bookstore or yard sale . . . even better!

Quality Time

"I like to make eye contact and give my undivided attention as I am speaking or as they are speaking to me." ~Anonymous

Physical Touch

"I frequently sit on the couch with my husband and rub his feet and legs. Or other massages as needed are much appreciated. Doing this without being asked is wonderful! Just being willing to serve is best. It covers so many of the love languages too." ~Paula
ShareHow do you practically speak the love language of someone you love? Share your idea with us and it could be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

Submit your idea here »


"We all make mistakes. Some of us are willing to admit it and apologize. Others deny, or rationalize their wrong behavior.” -Gary Chapman

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Gary Chapman on Oprah's LifeClass
Watch clips of Gary's recent appearance on Oprah's LifeClass


When Sorry Isn't Enough

When Sorry Isn’t Enough will help you . . .
  • Cool down heated arguments
  • Offer apologies that are fully accepted
  • Rekindle love that has been dimmed by pain
  • Restore and strengthen valuable relationships
  • Trade in tired excuses for honesty, trust, and joy

Pre-order now...

Book ships May 1.
This book was previously published as The 5 Languages of Apology. Content has been significantly revised and updated.

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
4/27/2013 10:45:53 AM

MORE ON THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES .....Oprah videos with Gary Chapman (I found them on YouTube but they are on Oprah's website as well).

They are all under 5 minutes or shorter.


Oprah Discovers Her Love Language
(4:23 min)

The Love Language Men Equate with Sex (2:39 min)

How Oprah's Stylist Improved Her Marriage (3:49 min)

How to Keep Your Partner's Love Tank Full (5:02 min)

Dr. Gary Chapman's Best Relationship Advice (4:37 min)

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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