Hi Helen, sounds as though this Benny Hinn is what is known as a faith healer. While I truly believe that God can heal and perform miracles I've never had any faith in these faith healers. We had one in my home town back in Tennessee and his most memorable accomplishment was his infidelity and he was actually the town joke.
Hi Evelyn
You didn't disappoint me. I don't care who knows Hinn and who doesn't.
However, you should go to YouTube and watch some of his videos. It's fascinating the way he sometimes stands there and stretches out his hand toward someone without touching them and says,"Touch!" and they fall usually backward "under the Spirit" of God.
One time he stretched out his hand to the audience in the front row and he was quite far from them. He said, "Touch!" and waved his arm as though along the length of the front row and all the people fell like dominoes under the Spirit ...one after the other.
Some people try to say it was all rigged beforehand but how do you rig something like that ...unless you are a movie maker or something. Even if he did rig it, it would come out sooner or later because in order to rig it, he would need the cooperation of a quite a few people and someone would tell the media sooner or later if it was fake even if he used hired actors and we would all hear about it.
But then I wouldn't believe them because unless it was one of those that I do tend to believe, I don't believe the liberal media.
I'll see if I can find you a video of Benny Hinn where he does that.
Helen, sorry to disappoint you but I rarely watch TV and haven't for years, except for a very few programs and I would never watch one of this preacher's programs because his belief's do not mirror mine. Another case of differing opinions. Quote:
Hello Evelyn and All
I'm surprised! I thought EVERYONE knew who Benny Hinn is. He is a TV preacher. He conducts huge miracle crusades where people are healed ...well, not all of them but many are, it seems. Most people either love him or hate him. I'm sort of in between as I can't make up my mind about him ...ie., if he's for real or if he is a false teacher. I don't really think he's a false teacher but I don't know. God knows.
If a small group of people are having a coffee together and if someone mentions Benny Hinn's name it can stir up quite a hornet's nest. Try it sometime, just for fun :)) I do it once in a while just to stir up a little disturbance :))
A few years ago, Suzann, his wife just up and divorced him. That is a scandal in the TV ministry. The news media would just love to get something on him. As you know the mainstream media is mostly liberal and very biased against Christians so don't have much nice to report about these type of ministers.
When Benny and Suzann began to reconcile and become an item again, they went to the Christian media with their story. Then this month they were remarried. I think it is great.
Some people will complain about his big splashy wedding and probably accuse him of using donor's money to pay for it. If that is so, my guess is most donor's were so happy to see them get back together they won't care.
It would be wrong for him to use donor's money because I'm sure his board members pay him a healthy salary. Anyway, we don't know who paid for the wedding. My guess is the wedding will pay for itself because of all the attention it probably got and will continue to get for a while. It will bring in a lot of donations, I'm sure. That's ok with me if he is the real thing. A ministry like that costs a lot to operate.
I don't donate to his ministry but I don't mind if others do. It is their money and it is none of my business.
I'm just delighted that they got back together. Suzann was on medically-prescribed psychiatric drugs which caused her a lot grief. Why does that not surprise me? The change in her, after she got off of them, is amazing. She always seemed like such a spin-head before.
Hi Helen, afraid I know very little about Benny Hinn. I'm thinking I've heard of him but not sure and yes that was a funny moment you mentioned. :)
Quote: Hello All Benny Hinn and Suzann are now married ...or should I say remarried. This is a touching video showing the highlights of the marriage ceremony ...it's touching whether you like Benny Hinn or not. They really adore each other. Benny sometimes acted like a younger man or even a teenager. To see a funny incident, if you don't want to watch the whole video, push the slider to 19 minutes and watch for about a minute or two.