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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/4/2013 9:23:45 PM

I'm sure most of you have heard the expression truth is stranger than fiction. Well when I saw this article a few minutes ago I did a double take to be sure I was really reading what I was reading and then I cracked up when I scrolled down and started reading the readers comments. :)

China Ghost Marriages: Grave-Robbers Sold Corpses As Dead Wives

Agence France Presse
Posted: 03/04/2013

Four people have been jailed in China for digging up corpses to sell as brides for traditional "ghost marriages" -- where dead single men are buried with a wife for the afterlife -- local reports said.

Marriage is an important part of Chinese society and, while the practice is increasingly rare, it is still kept up by some families whose young adult sons pass away before having a chance to wed.

Normally it is agreed between the families of the dead, but the Xian Evening News said the group "stole female corpses and after cleaning them, fabricated medical files for the deceased and sold them for a high price".

A court in the northern province of Shaanxi sentenced the four to terms between 28 and 32 months, it said, adding they "took advantage" of the "bad tradition" of ghost marriages in parts of Shaanxi and neighbouring Shanxi province.

Citing the court, the report said the gang made a total of 240,000 yuan ($39,000) from the sales of 10 corpses.

David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/4/2013 9:46:52 PM
This was on either CSI, or NCIS one time, but I don't remember which one. It does still happen, and sadly, there are some people who commit murder to get the bride. You won't hardly see those in the paper though. Not something they want to publicize.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/5/2013 1:35:09 AM

Hello David, no there are lots of things not in the newspapers and not only about China. We can find out so much more by reading the online versions of the news that will never make it either to the TV news casts or our newspapers. I have links bookmarked to lots of different news sources from around the world and read them daily.

This was on either CSI, or NCIS one time, but I don't remember which one. It does still happen, and sadly, there are some people who commit murder to get the bride. You won't hardly see those in the paper though. Not something they want to publicize.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/5/2013 1:41:44 AM

I found this VERY interesting...........

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/5/2013 2:15:04 AM

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