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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/1/2013 2:32:18 AM

Hello Jo

Your daughter might also try iodine or kelp.

I heard of iodine making breast cysts dissolve so I told 2 ladies I knew who had breast cysts about iodine. One lady had been taking 1 kelp tablet per day without results. I suggested she up her intake to 6 kelp per day and the cysts disappeared. My other friend complained of having pain in her breasts so that she could not even wear a bra. She took 4 a day and the pain stopped immediately and soon her cysts disappeared.

Many health practitioners say most people are not getting enough iodine which is available in liquid form or in kelp. I consider kelp a better way to get iodine because kelp contains a whole host of other minerals as well. I prefer the powdered kelp; I put it in gelatin capsules, as it does not have fillers in it like the pills do.

I had thyroid disease years ago as a teenager. The doctor decided I should try iodine. He said to take 15 drops of ordinary iodine in water or milk per day. I had overactive thyroid and goiter. It didn't help with that but the point is I am still here ...the iodine didn't kill me :))

I am not saying that the iodine will help your daughter. I'm not a doctor. But if it were me I'd give it a try.

People are reporting amazing results with a product I sell. Contact me on that if interested in having more info. We're not allowed to advertise here so I will send you an email about it if you wish > >


Hello Myrna, Mary Evelyn and others,

I had never heard of lemon being such. My daughter has 'steatocystoma multiplex' and currently has an extensive cyst in her neck, that is putting pressure on her carotid artery, but goes even deeper. I will tell her what you said. Thank you.

Take care.

Hi Evelyn,
I too quit smoking 26 year ago this January 19. I am so glad I did. It makes a body just seem lighter, huh!

Here is something that could be very useful to many.

The surprising benefits of lemon!

Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Charles Street Baltimore , MD 1201.
This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer!

Read carefully & you be the judge.
Lemon(Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that:
It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street , Baltimore , MD1201
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Jo Matthias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/1/2013 5:51:09 PM
Hello Mary,

When you laugh that hard, you just might wet yourself!!!! I know I would!!!

Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Take care,


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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/1/2013 11:07:11 PM


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Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/2/2013 2:37:08 PM

What a BEAUTIFUL video Helen!!!!! Just what I needed to start my day. Thanks for sharing. :)



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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
3/2/2013 2:43:37 PM
Inspirational Quote of the Day
Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today.
~ Steve Maraboli

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