Great article Helen!!! I will try some of your recipes. Your "Note" cracked me up. Hilarious! :)
The Many Benefits of Parsley
Parsley feeds the heart, helps dissolve cholesterol in blood vessels, aids in digestion, builds blood, provides hormonal support, reduces fatigue, supports the adrenals, helps many kidney problems, strengthens teeth, builds bones, prevents birth defects, enhances nutrient absorption, eliminates bloating, reduces inflammation, reduces high blood pressure, gives energy and supports the immune system.
Let parsley be your vitamin/mineral supplement.
Parsley is packed with vitamins A, B-vitamins, C, K and even has traces of B-12. It also has beta carotene and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium and sulfur, etc.
{Note: From Helen ...Parsley contains zinc which, along with Vitamin A, is helpful for clearing up and preventing acne ...zinc for zits. Zinc also supports the prostrate. Just remember > > zinc for the dink.}
Parsley is high in chlorophyll which acts as blood purifier that helps to detox the body and the blood and is especially helpful for the kidneys and the liver as well as the other organs.
The essential oils in parsley that inhibit tumors especially in the lungs. These oils neutralize some airborne carcinogens, including some of those found in cigarette smoke and smoke from charcoal grilling which may explain why parsely helps prevent lung cancer.
The picture shows regular parsley and cilantro which is also a type of parsley.
To take parsley in helpful amounts, it is best to juice or blend it with other fruits or vegetables. Some make a tea out of it. The heat would destroy enzymes. It still provides a lot of nutrients but raw juicing or blending is best.
Here 's a few ideas that will give you an adequate dose of parsley on your journey to improved health:
BLEND: 1 1/2 cups watermelon (seeded), 1/4 cup parsley, 1/2 cup water and a bit of stevia. It's a delicious, nutritious drink that even your kids will enjoy.
BLEND: 1/2 papaya, 1 banana, 1/4 cup parsley, 1/2 cup water and a bit of stevia.
JUICE: 3 apples and a 1/2 cup parsley.
JUICE: 4 carrots, 1/2 apple and a 1/2 cup parsley.
A little stevia may be added for sweetness, if desired.