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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/27/2013 2:35:42 PM

I'm sure most of you are like me when you envision what Willie Nelson looks like, all grungy and unkempt, but I think you'll really be surprised at how he looked in this appearance on the Grand Ole Opry some 48 years ago. I know I certainly don't remember him ever looking like he does in this video!!!!

"Willie Nelson in 1965 -- I don't remember -- but I know he was one of the group called The Weavers before that. If you haven't seen this before you won't believe it."

before life hit him between the eyes

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/27/2013 2:47:48 PM

Quite a contrast to the previous video. :)

"Willie Nelson performs "Funny How Time Slips Away", "Crazy", and "Night Life" at the Farm Aid concert in Louisville, Kentucky on October 1st, 1995. Farm Aid was started by Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp in 1985 to keep family farmers on the land and has worked since then to make sure everyone has access to good food from family farmers. Dave Matthews joined Farm Aid's board of directors in 2001."

Uploaded on Jan 27, 2012

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/27/2013 6:03:38 PM

I'm sure most of you are like me when you envision what Willie Nelson looks like, all grungy and unkempt, but I think you'll really be surprised at how he looked in this appearance on the Grand Ole Opry some 48 years ago. I know I certainly don't remember him ever looking like he does in this video!!!!

"Willie Nelson in 1965 -- I don't remember -- but I know he was one of the group called The Weavers before that. If you haven't seen this before you won't believe it."

before life hit him between the eyes

I remember reading somewhere a long time ago, that Willie Nelson couldn't make it looking like he did in a suit and tie. So he changed his image and was a big hit. I like the suit and tie myself. He looks good to me.
Willie Nelson did so much for the farmers, it doesn't matter what he looks like I feel he has a heart of gold. I am thankful someone stepped up to help the farmers out.
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/27/2013 7:02:18 PM
I am glad too Myrna, that he stepped up to help the farmers, but isn't the difference in then and now in his appearance like day and night? He looks like a totally different person to me.


I'm sure most of you are like me when you envision what Willie Nelson looks like, all grungy and unkempt, but I think you'll really be surprised at how he looked in this appearance on the Grand Ole Opry some 48 years ago. I know I certainly don't remember him ever looking like he does in this video!!!!

"Willie Nelson in 1965 -- I don't remember -- but I know he was one of the group called The Weavers before that. If you haven't seen this before you won't believe it."

before life hit him between the eyes

I remember reading somewhere a long time ago, that Willie Nelson couldn't make it looking like he did in a suit and tie. So he changed his image and was a big hit. I like the suit and tie myself. He looks good to me.
Willie Nelson did so much for the farmers, it doesn't matter what he looks like I feel he has a heart of gold. I am thankful someone stepped up to help the farmers out.
Mr. D

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/28/2013 12:10:19 PM

It's funny.

As soon as I pulled the image I did for Dennis, as I noticed everything stopped after doing so, I started seeing activity again.

You never said, but where you out of town, or just did not like it?

Just wondering.


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