Hi Mary Evelyn,
Yesterday, when you mentioned bad spelling & grammar, I realized that's also the result of over 40 years of the dumbing-down of USA, so everyone can pass their tests and not feel unconfident, no matter if they're not learning. It would be a great idea to have TV shows for grammar and contractions (could've, should've, would've been a great idea, and still is) for people of all ages. If Sesame Street can teach kids how to count in Spanish, I think all of USA can learn proper grammar, contractions & spelling if it's on TV for an hour, 5 days per week.
About Christianity, anyone who's been baptized is unified to Jesus on the cross and His death washes away our sins, Scripture is the truth, He died so we can have eternal life. We're all saints who are not completely holy yet, all the Saints who've been canonized were once real people, real sinners. Satan works hard to make us think we're unworthy, to convince us to procrastinate in prayer, but God initiates the thought within us to pray, so when we have that thought to pray, it comes from Him, he knows our words before we speak, and knows our thoughts before they're fully formed, and the Holy Spirit helps guide our thoughts, and Jesus Christ intercedes for us in prayer to His father, Jesus lived as a human for 33 years on this same earth we're on and his understanding and compassion is the intercession between us sinners and God the Father.
I was very sick with heavy bleeding & anemia earlier this year and it took about 6 weeks for me to start feeling better and looking healthier, I was reading the Bible constantly during that time, with a lot of Bible-study magazines, and during the time I finally saw my cheeks and hands look rosy again instead of bluish, and I had said to my Mom the last time I saw her last Spring, "I'm going home soon", and she didn't understand me, that was the time I knew I had to return to being closer to God, as I was when I was a kid in Catholic school. We're supposed to believe the words of the Bible the same way little children believe the words of their parents, as the truth of right guidance.