I agree Myrna, isn't it amazing how attached we can become to people we've never come face to face with? I'm of the strong opinion too that we attract people as friends who have the same beliefs and ideals as we do. And too, I also think we're more willing to overlook each others faults, just as we do in our families and we truly want only the best for them. I feel truly blessed by my online friendships and appreciate each and everyone. :) Quote: H iEvelyn,
How true this is, in fact I wonder what I would do if I didn't have my on line friends. don't want to think about that one.[
quote]This one, just posted on FB, is compliments of my friend Jim. :) ![](http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s480x480/579568_372613796154668_414088255_n.jpg) [/quote]