I have always been a woman of few words, being more of a listener then a speaker. Odd thing to say as one of the contributing here, but it is true. In real life I am very quiet, rarely sharing my opinion or thoughts except amongst family. And over the years I have even curbed which family members I discuss what with. I was going to say---that does not include my husband and children—but honestly it does.
I am an “editor” not only of my writing but also my words. For the most part, I think ahead and decide if what I am going to talk about or bring up is worth the debate, or the long over-blown dialogue I will get in return, or if it is a subject they may be uncomfortable with.
I do have opinions, thoughts and things I feel strongly about. However I don't feel the need to debate anyone over them nor do I want to debate them over theirs. Everyone has an opinion and while I may not share the same opinion or thought, I respect people enough to allow them that freedom.
As a person of few words, I have learned to be more of a listener over the years, even to the long over-blown dialogue. I have found though when you stop to take the time to listen that is when you really hear. You will hear, love, happiness, pride, laughter but you will also hear pain, hurt and loneliness. Sometimes it is all people want is someone to listen to them, it can be the greatest gift.