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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/10/2012 3:57:30 AM
Hi Evelyn and friends,

Love those duck stories. That does my heart good to see people be so kind to the birds. Thanks.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/10/2012 1:48:27 PM
Mryna, when I was very young, probably about 12-13 years old, my paternal grandparents lived on a farm with an extremely large spring fed pond and they had several ducks and geese. I LOVED going there and the pond water was so clear, because it came from a big spring, and in the summer we would take a dip, clothes and all, when it was very hot.

Some of the geese were very aggressive and I can remember one of my cousins crawling up under the corn crib to get the eggs from a nest one of the hens, that had escaped from the chicken lot, had made and one of the geese came up behind him and bit him on the rear. Bless his heart, that made him jump and he hit his head on the floor of the corn crib.

My grandmother had about 100 White Leghorn chickens that she raised in order to have eggs to sell. Because of all the grandchildren she would boil a dish pan full of eggs for Easter and because we lived in a house on the same farm, my sisters and my oldest brother got to help color them. Easter Sunday was spent hiding and hunting eggs. These are just a few of my precious memories from a simple happy childhood. One of my friends was telling me the other day I should write a book and maybe someday I will. :)

Hi Evelyn and friends,

Love those duck stories. That does my heart good to see people be so kind to the birds. Thanks.


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/10/2012 3:06:56 PM

These days there are so many things that can pull you in so many directions. You get online and one click leads to another, then to another and then another. Until you have a window full of open windows and have forgotten where you started.

I try to keep my life as simple as possible. It is so much easier that way. Step 1, 2, 3. Instead of Step 1, offset by step 1a followed by 2b, then take a circle around back to 1c, then file 1b and proceed to 2a and overstep 2c if it is a full moon and the first of the month.

Why do people feel it necessary to make things so much more difficult then they need to be? Does it make them seem somehow smarter then the rest of us? Or are they trying to put something over on us and think if they confuse us we won't notice.

I don't know I just know it makes me crazy.

So I prefer to keep it simple. I do what I can to follow a very basic simple path. It is not difficult I just stay away from the hectic and the chaos as much as I can.

So far so good. :-) or so I think...............

I generally go online to check emails or if I have something very specific to do (sort of like my shopping...I am not much of a browser more of a get what I need and get out type of girl).
But find myself waylaid right now by social groups. This is partly because of my web site and partly because of my kids.
Started my web site and kids tell me “mom you need to get on thisspace and advertise” so I get a profile on there and not much is happening for my web site but suddenly I have a farm that has to be tended to daily. Next thing I know all my family is on thatbook so “mom you have to get on there”. So am there still not much happening in the way of customers for my web site however I do know what 1950”s mom I am like and I have lots of smiles, hearts and game invites.
Before I realize it there is a round of “sites” I have to visit every time I get online, to make sure I update my status, check my notifications, water the fields, accept the requests and twirp to the others.

So every now and then, like today, I clean out the stacks of stuff that have piled up around my room and dust off the shelves. I will do the same with my online “obligations” cleaning them up, paring them down and making it simple once again.

Clearing the clutter and keeping it simple.

Anybody interested in a slightly used farm? :-)
Malorie Shannon Artist/Founder of Onyralu Artist and Creator of Clips
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/10/2012 3:09:06 PM
Thanks Mary

I agree there are moments when remembering what happened in the past is helpful. :-)


Hi Malorie, thanks for another great post!! I don't think going back over the past is always a waste of time because sometimes we need to, to see how far we've progressed. Also I've always been a worry wart and my son is constantly telling me that worrying will not solve or help anything. I know that is very true but unfortunately I haven't figured out a way to completely quit, even though I try. :)


It is the “thing” now to live in the moment, in the now. It is very true that you do need to fully enjoy today, this moment, what is happening to you now. Going back over the past will do no good, except to continually rehash a moment in time that you can never get back and redo. It is a waste of time and energy, as no matter how badly we wish it we can not change it. It is the past.

I would love very much to live in the “now” completely. But I find it very difficult sometimes.

To be honest the more I thought about it today the more I realized that we, as humans, are raised to not live in the “now”.

Think about it, children in general are certainly livers of in the “now” philosophy. However as we grow, then we are expected to plan ahead. To think about tomorrow and what we are going to do. If we are put into sports or cultural activities then we are planning for that big show or big game. Then we are made to plan ahead for our life, what will we do, will we go to school, work, marry, how many children, and it just spirals from there. To the point that you are constantly planning, anticipating and worrying about tomorrow, next month, next year, and then today is suddenly gone.

I am guilty of being an awful anticipatory worrier, I worry about future things. I realize that this does me no good and in reality sometimes messes up my “now”. I would love to say it is because I am a mom, but I was this way when I was a child as well. So it is just the way I am.

Even my son, though I did not think I had verbalized this trait to my kids, when he was younger would think about getting a girlfriend and by the time his train of thought pulled into the station he had a girlfriend, gotten married, gone to college, moved out, had kids and overall put himself in a dither because he did not know how, at 11 years old, he was going to manage all that.
I would sit him down and explain to him that these things will not happen to him all at once, they will happen over time and he will do just fine with each thing as they come along.

So I have decided what I need to do is take the mystic off of “living in the now” and just live.

I WILL enjoy today for what today is, plan for and anticipate tomorrow, but relax and know that it will take care of itself as it happens.

Malorie Shannon Artist/Founder of Onyralu Artist and Creator of Clips
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/10/2012 3:11:38 PM
My daughter showed me this video. They are so cute. I am glad they rescued them.


Hi friends, saw this video and thought you all would enjoy it.:)
Neglected Ducks Get Their First Swim
For the first time in their lives two dozen recently rescued ducks get their first taste of life in a pond. They had been living for years with a hoarder who had them in pens without adequate access to water or proper nutrition.
Malorie Shannon Artist/Founder of Onyralu Artist and Creator of Clips

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