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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/18/2012 8:30:34 PM

Hi Tonia, hope your're having a great day. :)

This is so True! Thank you for sharing today..

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/19/2012 1:24:08 AM

Courtesy of my friend Monica, who just posted this on FB.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/19/2012 1:02:54 PM
Good ones. I love that little dog, he is so joyous and always makes me smile.
10 years with this essential oil company: Discounts = Earnings:
Lydia Fokina

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/19/2012 5:46:45 PM
Hi Mary Evelyn and friends!
More about cats ..
I do not know how well known in the U.S. novel of Russian writer Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".
Here's a snippet from the movie


Hi Lydia, GREAT to have you back online again!!! You have been missed dear lady. Cute video, that cat looks like the way I feel right now. I am tired and sleepy, just got back from fighting the crowds at Walmart. I don't go there very often anymore but sometimes I have to. They're the only place here that carries the air conditioning filters I use and I didn't want to drive into Ft Myers. Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)

Hi Mary Evelyn and friends!
I was offline last time ... Returning.

Did You see this?

Cat asleep on the curb and scored more than six million hits on the Internet

"rest" in a city park Yokohama, the star of the Internet. Clip from his participation this week scored more than 6 million views.

Man, strolling through the park and found a cat, sitting in an unusual position for the animals and he was sitting on the curb, as a man, legs dangling through the metal railing.
Cat napping, occasionally opening his eyes to watch the athletes on the basketball court.
An eyewitness took a funny situation in the video clip and posted on the Internet.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/19/2012 5:56:49 PM

Hi Lydia, it's times like this that I wish I could speak Russian but one thing was obvious and that was, that was some cat. :)

Hi Mary Evelyn and friends!
More about cats ..
I do not know how well known in the U.S. novel of Russian writer Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".
Here's a snippet from the movie


Hi Lydia, GREAT to have you back online again!!! You have been missed dear lady. Cute video, that cat looks like the way I feel right now. I am tired and sleepy, just got back from fighting the crowds at Walmart. I don't go there very often anymore but sometimes I have to. They're the only place here that carries the air conditioning filters I use and I didn't want to drive into Ft Myers. Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)

Hi Mary Evelyn and friends!
I was offline last time ... Returning.

Did You see this?

Cat asleep on the curb and scored more than six million hits on the Internet

"rest" in a city park Yokohama, the star of the Internet. Clip from his participation this week scored more than 6 million views.

Man, strolling through the park and found a cat, sitting in an unusual position for the animals and he was sitting on the curb, as a man, legs dangling through the metal railing.
Cat napping, occasionally opening his eyes to watch the athletes on the basketball court.
An eyewitness took a funny situation in the video clip and posted on the Internet.


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