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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
12/28/2011 6:45:59 PM

I love to chat, love coffee and love to share.

Cup-cakes became the fashion here in the UK a couple of years ago and, like the USA we now have cup cake shops.

Local to me we now have a cup cakerie which is frequented by lots of mums when collecting the children from school.

I recently wrote a poem about this.

I will go find it and bring it here. I don't think that I've shared it anywhere.


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
12/28/2011 6:50:53 PM

Hi Roger, thank you so much for joining us and yes please post your poem. It would be an honor to have you post it here first. :)


I love to chat, love coffee and love to share.

Cup-cakes became the fashion here in the UK a couple of years ago and, like the USA we now have cup cake shops.

Local to me we now have a cup cakerie which is frequented by lots of mums when collecting the children from school.

I recently wrote a poem about this.

I will go find it and bring it here. I don't think that I've shared it anywhere.


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
12/28/2011 7:04:02 PM

Thank you Kathleen, this is turning out to be a very enjoyable experience. :)

Well I just get up every morning thankful God has given me another day and I guess I really do need to manage my time better. Sometimes I wonder how I ever managed when I worked and had a family to take care of. I still have a lot to do here from the moving into this house. I still have pictures to hang and a few more tubs to unpack. You never realize how much junk you've accumulated until you move but I'm really enjoying it here and do not regret the move at all, even though I am hundreds of miles away from family and old friends.


Hi Mary Evelyn,

I get up every day hoping to have a productive day, also in my real life, not just in online marketing. People may think I have goofy thoughts, such as when I write about being in a tree-lined portrait, and what if I was, and in a hundred years that painting would be studied by art students, wondering what the woman is carrying, and the scenery has no snow but she's bundled up as if it's the Arctic...LOL...Off course, writing is an artform, it's a reflection of what we feel and see and have experienced and want to experience, and all artists dwell in our dreams, we have to, and we have to pursue those further wanderings into our own portraits of our mind every day to see what's further on, whether or not other people understand it or think it's normal. What IS normal? A vast lack of action seems to be the norm for most people, so anyone who does anything in a consistent pursuit is deemed to be abnormal, and those are the people who have the greatest accomplishments :)

Congrats on nearly 200 views just since opening this forum last night!


Happy Wednesday friends. Everyday I get an inspirational quote in my inbox and sometimes I'll open it up and the quote for the day will hit me right between the eyes, as this one did.

"When was the last time you woke up and realized that today could be the best day of your life? Participate in your dreams today. There are unlimited opportunities available with this new day. Take action on those wonderful dreams you've had in your mind for so long. Remember, success is something you experience when you act accordingly. Success is not something you HAVE, it's something you DO."

Steve Maraboli

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
12/28/2011 7:06:29 PM
Hi Mary Evelyn,

I don't have any special post right now but just want to let you know that it was about the time you have started your own forum. :)



RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
12/28/2011 7:53:39 PM

Thank you Bogdan, you know sometimes we wonder why it took us so long to do anything and 5+ years is a long time. :)

Hi Mary Evelyn,

I don't have any special post right now but just want to let you know that it was about the time you have started your own forum. :)




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