Hi Myrna, I don't remember having ear aches but that's not say I didn't. I may have when I was too young to remember. Another home remedy that works for cuts and scratches that get infected is soaking in hot Epsom salts water. This is one I used with my own kids because it does work so well. I love the graphic of the roses, probably my favorite flower, especially red ones. Quote: Hi Evelyn, Kathleen, and Helen,
Love your conversations. Kathleen always tells the best stories, I always get a good laugh from them. I hope you never stop telling your tales of home in Pennsylvania.
Evelyn, I remember having some of the home remedies too. I use to have terrible ear aches when I was a kid. My dad would blow smoke in my ear. I remember screaming and crying for all I was worth.Don't remember if it helped or not, but I do remember crying a lot.