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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/31/2012 4:52:25 PM
Hello Mike,
Mad scientists at work. I went on and watched a few other awful abnormalities from your video and was shocked and horrified.
I was not aware that they had achieved their experiments as I had not thought much more about this when I first heard many years ago that different clonings were hoped to be tried, because at the time there was such a cry out over unethical and immorality - I remember there was the first sheep Dolly whom was cloned (as a sheep with sheep genes) about 20 years ago, I think Dolly was clone in the UK.
We just do not know the half of what is going on in secrecy and I know that this is definitely devilish workings of dicing and splicing of the gene pool.
I firmly believe this, because God put in barriers upon the species - humans, animals, birds, fish etc that we would only produce after our own kind.

10_1_136.gifHi all,
It is disturbing to know that our water isn't safe, or our pharmaceuticals can harm more than help, but it is even more disturbing to know that that is the least of our problems. Research, no matter what type, comes out of our tax dollars, whether we live in the U.S. or other countries. Do any countries ever tell us what research they are doing before taken our money? Here is an example of what we are all paying for.
And we worry about beings from other planets and what they may do to us. There are a lot of these labs operating around the clock and there is nothing that we can do to stop them. Their Labs are built on platforms in International waters where there are no laws. I believe that they resemble oil rig platforms, therefore they go unnoticed.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/31/2012 5:09:54 PM
Evelyn, Sorry I did not mean to make light of your problem.
About 2 hours drive north of Taihape where I lived there is a city named Rotorua which is renowned for its sulphur of boiling springs, mud pools and geysers, bathing sulphur hot and cold springs, Maori artifacts which attracts a lot of visitors and tourists. The smell of rotten eggs only lasted on the body for a short while and would dissipate.
Every time you drive close to Rotorua you can smell the 'rotten egg' smell of sulphur which on some warm and hot days can be quite overwhelming but after awhile you hardly notice and the locals do not notice anymore as they are use to it.
There is still quite a large number of Maori whom live in Rotorua and their ancestors use to cook their meals (I am guessing, vegetables) in the boiling springs and they would also dig a hole in the hot earth for their hangi which many Polynesians still cook as an authentic meal today for visitors, tourists, large gatherings after first heating some sort of rocks to use at the bottom, then placing wet sacks and baskets of meats, vegetables in layers which take the longest to cook to the quickest then more wet sacks over the top and leaving to cook - it is so yummy.

Amanda, sulphur water may be clean and have lots of minerals, but when I first moved into this house, everytime I turned the water on at the sink or took a shower, the smell was awful. It smelled like rotten eggs. But as I said I have no idea how long this house was vacant or how long it was lived in before that, but the odor gradually dissipated and now I never smell it. From what I've been told, sulphur water is more or less the norm here.


Hi Evelyn,
Sulfur is clean and has lots of minerals, people pay lots to got to sulfur springs and bathe! *grin*
Well as a suggestion you could pour your drinking water into pitchers that are not plastic. Perhaps even glass bottles.
I have been buying more products in glass jars and bottles lately, even paying a little more so I can keep the containers to reuse.
I also decided after I did find that fluoride is in our water supply from searching online our water supplier and thought I might be able to start with information or lobbying at our local area.
I called them this morning and spoke with a guy at the water station itself and said..I want to report I am being poisoned from your water supply and I want to lodge a complaint..Then I went on to tell him about the ingredients in fluoride to which he replied he knew as he had done research online and found out too, but went on to say he had not choice or say.. I reminded him that when everyone whom knows something keeps quiet then they are condoning. We had a good talk although at one stage he tried the - distraction method..and asked me if I pump my own gas, which I replied I did (no one pumps gas at the stations for you like they do in Oregon whereby you are not permitted to pump your own) so he went on to say that the fumes from the gas harms other people nearby or if I am standing by the pump - which I don't. I put the nozzle onto automatic and move away. So I said, that was not a very good example because I do not fill my vehicle everyday or around gas all day and I have not choice about the contents of my water and cannot opt out. He gave me the phone number of the General Manager so I called him and spoke with him too, he asked me to write a letter to the board and perhaps I could come in and talk with them.
So I will compose a letter and some copies of ingredients and health problems etc and go to the library to print out as our printer is a hit and miss and often will not print very well.
I may be invited to go speak with them so I will have to think up some creative visuals to go along with my speech.


Amanda there was the odor of sulfur every time I ran the water anywhere, when I first moved in, but after using the washer, the shower, the dishwasher and etc. evidently every thing is flushed out and now the odor is gone. I have no idea how long this house sat vacant before I bought it either. For now I'll just continue like I have been and keep buying the purified water for drinking and cooking with. That may all change sometime down the road. I'll just have to wait and see. Hope you have a wonderful week. :)


I reckon that your home being 4 years old along with the well, pump equipment it should be good water and depth.
Does the water run clear, smell funny or taste funny after you run the water for a little while - especially if you have not been using it since you moved in. I would run the water for a little while then give it my own testing.
I loved our well in Nebraska and wish we had well water again here as we are on town supply and also through the people we are buying from, they did not put down a separate water supply to the house so we have to pay half and there are many times that I do not even use half of the water supply I get billed for, but water is fairly cheap so I do not get bent out of shape over it.

Amanda, I have no idea how deep the well is and it was tested right after I moved in here. Not sure if I got the right info or not since the guy wanted to sell me a water purification system. He said there was sulfur, rust and bacteria in it. I signed up at Home Depot to have it tested which I realized later was only a sales gimmick. Since this house and all the well equipment is only four years old I could see no reason to buy new equipment. I never met the owner since he lived out of state and did all the signing of the documents through the mail so therefore I couldn't ask any questions.

Have a wonderful day. :)


Evelyn, I hate to tell you that bottled water is even worse, because they put it in plastic bottles that is designed to leech into the water to contaminate it.
Do you know how deep your water well is? The deeper the better. Well water will be far better for you to drink than bottled or tap water as it comes from underground stream and less polluted due to the coldness of the depth. You can always get it tested.
James and I are going to have a well drilled here as soon as we can get enough $$ put together. We are saving like beavers..
Jesse Ventura did a Water Conspiracy on the Great Lakes and where our public water is sold off too!

Since I fully woke up to the Global conspiracies against humanity it has been my mission to find out as much information as I possibly can, so I read, listen, watch many resources just so I can be well informed and know my options - however it is still scary when I keep finding out more evil they have up their sleeves and I know that James and I and many others are in a Spiritual war of our lives and we are not giving up to these demons of evil.

Mind boggling isn't it Myrna? We really have no idea what all is in the air we breath, the water we not only drink, but bath in and cook with, and all the genetically modified foods being sold to unsuspecting consumers.

I buy bottled water to drink and cook with, because I do have a well and I worry about all the crap seeping into our ground water and water tables, but I often ask myself how do I even know the bottle water is not contaminated. What really bugs me is that so few seem to be concerned about all this.

Since your video is somewhat long, I'll watch it when I have more time. Thanks for posting it. :)

Hi Evelyn,

Look at the corn syrup in everything, others sweetners as well that are not good for any one.Plus other junk which is not good either, it is endless.I could scream, we know what you are doing, trying to make people sick. It is a conspiracy for more doctors, more drugs, more sickness and on and on it goes. It is all about money for the rich.
There are so many things going on that we don't know about. I was amazed when I saw this from Jesse Ventura show. How diseases are being made on an island off of Long Island.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/31/2012 10:48:09 PM
Evelyn, thanks for these links the info from Dr Wilson has the information I was looking for and couldn't find it. You have saved me more hours of reading and discarding and having to select what pages I would print out to go with my letter.


Myrna and Amanda, I just have a few minutes too but I wanted to leave this info. I was really surprised by the info from Dr. Wilson. I knew fluoride was a rat poison but that was about all but that was enough for me to know I didn't want to drink it.

by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
this one has a lot of good links in the article
?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /Some rethink fluoridation of water

PS: Amanda good luck and I hope you get a chance to meet with the General Manager of the water company.

Hi Evelyn,

Just dropped in for a minute, so behind, but saw this from Amanda.
Hi Evelyn,
Sulfur is clean and has lots of minerals, people pay lots to got to sulfur springs and bathe! *grin*
Well as a suggestion you could pour your drinking water into pitchers that are not plastic. Perhaps even glass bottles.
I have been buying more products in glass jars and bottles lately, even paying a little more so I can keep the containers to reuse.
I also decided after I did find that fluoride is in our water supply from searching online our water supplier and thought I might be able to start with information or lobbying at our local area.
I called them this morning and spoke with a guy at the water station itself and said..I want to report I am being poisoned from your water supply and I want to lodge a complaint..Then I went on to tell him about the ingredients in fluoride to which he replied he knew as he had done research online and found out too, but went on to say he had not choice or say.. I reminded him that when everyone whom knows something keeps quiet then they are condoning. We had a good talk although at one stage he tried the - distraction method..and asked me if I pump my own gas, which I replied I did (no one pumps gas at the stations for you like they do in Oregon whereby you are not permitted to pump your own) so he went on to say that the fumes from the gas harms other people nearby or if I am standing by the pump - which I don't. I put the nozzle onto automatic and move away. So I said, that was not a very good example because I do not fill my vehicle everyday or around gas all day and I have not choice about the contents of my water and cannot opt out. He gave me the phone number of the General Manager so I called him and spoke with him too, he asked me to write a letter to the board and perhaps I could come in and talk with them.
So I will compose a letter and some copies of ingredients and health problems etc and go to the library to print out as our printer is a hit and miss and often will not print very well.
I may be invited to go speak with them so I will have to think up some creative visuals to go along with my speech.
Thank you Amanda for getting this info out, and would you post a copy of what you write, I would like to use it too. You say things so well.

Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/31/2012 10:59:21 PM

Thanks, Evelyn. I needed that. I seem to get myself in a lot of trouble from time to time by the stands I take, rightly or wrongly. And then there are those who love me on the other side so not all is lost.



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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 1:32:36 AM

I know you didn't Amanda, and I did not take it that way. :)


Evelyn, Sorry I did not mean to make light of your problem.

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