Elaine Groff Wolff
Elaine Groff Wolff's Bio Will be coming shortly.
Thank you for visiting my profile.
All the best,
Elaine Groff Wolff
Wow! I am honored, I am surprised, I don't know what to say. I will start by trying to live up to this award. I did a little work on my Bio in the Profile page. I am not sure if that was what I was supposed to do or not. Unfortunately I ran out of room. I will tell you more about me in a future post. However I am more interested in you.
I was introduced to AdLandPro a few years ago by Ken Wolff now my husband. I found it to be a bit overwhelming at the time and soon lost interest. A few months ago I tried to log back in. That did not work so I joined again. This time I was a little more active and created a forum called "
Copy & Paste Advertising"
Here is the Description:
Add your advertisements here. You can advertise your primary business, websites, blogs or what every you like in this forum. So many programs have ads that you can copy and paste. This is a great place to do that. Don't have a primary business, affiliate program? No Problem. Find one here, join, copy and paste the promotions (substituting your links of course). Step 1. Join the forum. Step 2. Click on New Topic Step 3. Post your ad.
What is it that most people want here in AdLandPro? The name kind of attracts people that are interested in advertising.
Over the last couple of years I have participated in a quite a few traffic exchanges all related to advertising. 95% of all the people in every single exchange was trying to sell every one else their product, service or affiliate program. How successful do you think they were? Right! Not very. However, they had one thing in common. They all wanted to advertise.
Zig Zigler and some other people that have influenced my life said something like..."if you help enough other people get what they want you will never have to worry about getting what you want." So I created this forum to help other people advertise.
If you have not been to the "
Copy & Paste Advertising" forum please stop by and check it out. Join! Click on New Topic. Post your ad and I will promote it. I have so many advertising credits in different exchanges that I did not know what to do with them. Now I can put them to good use advertising your programs.
Thanks again for this great honor and I look forward to learning more about you.
Elaine Groff Wolff