RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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Today's Insight
"AN inquiry into Truth is an inquiry into the cause of things as the human race sees and experiences them."
"The starting point of our thought must always begin with our experiences. We all know that life is, else we could not even think that we are. since we can think, say and feel, we must be. We live, we are conscious of life; therefore we must be and life must be. If we are life and consciousness (self-knowing) then it follows that we must have come from life and consciousness. Let us start, then, with this simple fact: Life is and life is conscious. But what is the nature of this life; is it physical, mental, material or spiritual? A little careful thinking based upon logic, more than any merely personal opinion, will do much in clearing up some of these questions that at first seem to stagger us with their bigness. How much of that which is may we call life? The answer would have to be: Life is all that there is; it is the reason for all that we see, hear, feel -- for all that we experience in any way. Now nothing from nothing leaves nothing, and it is impossible for something to proceed from nothing. Since something is, that from which it came must be all that is."
"Life, then, is all that there is. Everything comes from it, ourselves included"
"It Operates Simply By Speaking"
– Ernest Holmes - 'Science of Mind '
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