
Jim Allen

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RE: Take the Ultimate Step Up
12/18/2011 5:25:03 PM

ONLY $14 a month and you get a business in a box! Sell 2 and yours is paid for!

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Jim Allen

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RE: Take the Ultimate Step Up
12/23/2011 5:07:31 PM

We Don't Have The Santa Magic, But ....

Santa. As a kid, this is one of the more vivid images I have of Christmas.

I remember the wonder I had when I was told the story of Santa. He knows all our names, our wishes, those who're nice and those who're not. He rides a sleigh pulled by reindeers, flies in the air, gets into homes and delivers all his gifts to all the kids around the world all in one night!

And when I asked how he did this, I was always answered with, "MAGIC!"

As a kid, this was a perfectly natural explanation for everything Santa did. And I guess this Santa Magic was what added to my awe come Christmas time. I wished I could have had some of that Santa Magic then.

But growing up, I had to let reality break into my world. No more magic for me. If I wanted things to happen, I realized I had to make them happen. And this is true with doing business online.

Santa's Making A List

Santa has made his list, and is continually adding to it. Seems that for every child that's born, his name magically gets written on his list.

With 12SC, we have the ability to build our own list through the Contact Manager, Autoresponder, and Capture Page Creator. Unlike magic, names just don't appear. But with the training we get, we learn how to invite people to opt-in to our list.

Santa Knows His Kids

He seems to know who's been naughty and who's been nice. The nice ones get rewarded and the naughty ones miss out.

Our 12SC Mailer has the ability to determine which one can receive text or html emails. Magic? Hardly. Just good, cutting-edge technology.

For subscribers who misbehave or who submitted junk email addresses they abandon later (very naughty), with a click of the mouse, they get unsubscribed and blacklisted! They miss out!

Santa Magically Gets Into Homes At Night

How does he slip into chimneys with his size? How does he get into houses that have no chimneys? Magic.

Well, at least with 12SC, we can get into our subscribers' computers through email, the Conference Center, and the 12SC Social Community. Not magic, but hey - they work good!

Santa Delivers All His Gifts All Over The World In One Night With Time To Spare!

From my country to the US alone takes me about 14 - 18 hours by jet! Santa has to criss-cross the globe riding a simple sleigh pulled by reindeers who run through the air. Yet these reindeers beat the fastest jet hands down! Yeah. Magic.

Well, with a simple click, we can send an email almost instantaneously to all our list members wherever they may be in the world! Not exactly magic, but feels like it!

Santa Gets To Sleep With So Much Work To Be Done

He's got elves and magic. They get things done while he sleeps.

With 12SC, we get advanced tools that work seamlessly with each other. Set up properly, they automate the marketing process that enable us to get some work done while we sleep!

Nope, we don't have Santa's magic. But with 12SC, we can accomplish things almost like magic!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Ricardo Alcaraz
December 23, 2011

Want To Know How You Can Succeed Faster Online? Click HERE
Don't Forget Your Free Christmas Gift - Click HERE!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Jim Allen

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RE: Take the Ultimate Step Up
12/28/2011 12:45:49 AM

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Jim Allen

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RE: Take the Ultimate Step Up
1/20/2012 2:12:49 AM

There is a major shift happening in the world of content marketing. You need to learn how to use curation to create content for your blogging. I wish I had dreamed this up myself!

But first, what's "content marketing?"

It's what bloggers and marketers do when they put up content that they want the search engines to rank and readers to flock to in order to build a brand, make product or affiliate sales, and sell advertising.

So, basically anyone who uses content to get free search engine traffic and have the ability to get real people linking to and buzzing about their site is a content marketer.

Well, in the past few months a certain type of content marketing has started to get very popular. It's called "curation" and it has many benefits over traditional content marketing models.

Click here to learn more:

1. Curation allows content marketers to create a lot more content around a lot more keywords in the same amount of time they currently spend on content development.

2. This enables you to score for a lot more keyword rankings, leading to more daily traffic.

3. It also enables you to keep readers engaged and loyal to your source of information because you filter through all the information on a topic and present them with the best of the best info on the topic.

4. You write less original content yourself and, often, put together more valuable content to readers at the same time.

5. Enables one-writer-sites to look and feel like they have a small staff of writers.

6. Posting more often gives more opportunities for something to go viral on social networks. And gives readers more to "Like," retweet, and +1 on Google+.

7. Increases your authority score with Google because of the increased social signals Google finds for your site.

(There are many more benefits to adding curation to your content marketing campaign.)

Since everyone is buzzing about curation, I wanted to get clarification on the tactic from an expert.

My good friend Jack Humphrey is going to explain what curation is and how he developed an amazing software which helps him to create pages which rank really high in the search engines.

Click here to learn more about Jack's amazing software:

You can actually download and test it for free!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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