The 303RD

Jim Allen III
Jim Allen III Bio
Hello my name is Jim Allen III, I am really honored to be the 303rd POTW Award Winner and appreciate all the votes. I am looking forward to my week.
My background includes a long trek of discovery. From the time I was 14 years of age, I have beens chasing dollars, Holding numerous occupations and vocations. I have acquired skills, knowledge, lessons, experiences, failure and success in many fields.
That experience has ranged from cutting and hauling hay,
being a EMTA ambulance tech, paint mixer that can eye
match/Commission Sales, door to door Insurance Sales in
Chicago no less. I ran a chain of carpet stores in
Nashville, and was running a heating and cooling service in
That is where I learned how to write my own checks.
Through commission sales I moved up the sales ladder in
every organization I have worked with. The reason I did is
I had drive to fill a need. I will help you define the need
and help you formulate a plan of action.
With this background, I found that if you learned a few
basic skills, mixed with a huge dose of personality, desire
to help your customer and perseverance when enlightening
your client about your product or service, you will be
successful. You control the outcome.
This knowledge and experience makes helping others achieve
successful outcomes. Is just what marketing online or
offline is all about sharing information with folks that are
seeking that piece of knowledge. The internet has made it
possible for me to reach out and help hundreds of people. I
have no fancy degrees, but do have a wall of sales and
achievement awards. If you want to learn to write your own
checks, then I am a must have resource.
What I do is help you navigate the terrain.
Thank you for voting me the 303rd POTW!
Jim Allen III