This is one of those programs I’ve seen over time but never paid much attention too it! Isn’t that always the case?
Who Says Traffic Exchanges Don’t Work?
Anyway I was surfing some of my favourite Traffic Exchanges to get some points up for another campaign I’ve started doing some promotion on for a nice Time Management Product, Time Management is one of those things I still need to master with everything I need to do! And as is the way with Traffic Echanges, you get to see what others are promoting and this program popped up and grabbed my attention.
So I joined up as a Free Member to see what it’s all about!
And I had no real idea what 12SecondCommute was about. I was just curious! But I liked what I saw, and still do by the way.
Budget Entry Tools for any Marketer
Now I say Budget Entry as with most folk starting out, cash can be a bit hard to come by to risk on “some program”. So to see the offer to become a member of this for only $14 USD Per Month ( at the time of writing ) if you upgrade in the first 5 days of signing up, is a pretty good deal.
To read the full report please go here
As always I appreciate your reading our blogs and be sure to tell someone about your 12Second Commute Experience.
Jim Allen III