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Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: Play as much as you like
11/4/2011 11:45:08 AM

Good Morning Roger,

May I make a little suggestion concerning the Art Challenge.

Let this one run for a while and take a new approach with

a few of the active ones that may be able to run a campaign

bring in new and try to get the older ones to come back

and playing more. Keep the competition more of a fun thing.

I know for myself, that I am no competition with anyone

except with me. It gives me the working configurations

of designs with different challenges.

There also may be other happenings in our life's that keep us

for taking the time to work with the image. Different times

of the month I am very busy with work and other times

I have the time to spend with this.

Here is another example that I will tell.

I have over 30 images from the original image that I have done.

After saving them, and returning to the computer the next day,

I see things that I do not like or want to change, so it is back to the

drawing board, so to speak. For me it takes time to come up

with the final cut for an entry. Then I still see something the next day

as maybe the color is not just right. I have to change the one that I

posted yesterday as I was able to come up with a better highlighter.

Point being, this is a cool forum and would like to see it grow with

more members and active players.

Let it Ride, maybe, please, OK?

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Play as much as you like
11/4/2011 2:12:19 PM

Let it Ride, maybe, please, OK?

I'll give it some thought.

Thanks for your support.

RE: Play as much as you like
11/5/2011 1:35:38 PM

I enjoyed....everything.....My Friend.
