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Deborah Skovron

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/5/2006 7:00:22 PM
Hi Paul, Thank you so much for the congratulations. I am having a great time. God Bless. Your Good Friend Deborah
BrandName Kidswear starting at $2.65. 12 Page Book thats creating miracles...FREE Where Money Grows Like Kids
Deborah Skovron

2979 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/5/2006 7:06:08 PM
Hi Marion, Thank you for the Congrats. I am so glad to be here with all of you. Adland is really the best. God Bless and Keep You. Your Good Friend Deborah
BrandName Kidswear starting at $2.65. 12 Page Book thats creating miracles...FREE Where Money Grows Like Kids
Deborah Skovron

2979 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/5/2006 7:11:00 PM
Hi John, This is so great!!! I am meeting so many new people, and getting to know some people even better. Thanks for all your time that you put into doing this. I know it is appreciated by everyone. Your Good Friend Deborah
BrandName Kidswear starting at $2.65. 12 Page Book thats creating miracles...FREE Where Money Grows Like Kids
Phillip Skinner

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/6/2006 9:04:08 AM
Congratulations Deborah. enjoy Person of the Week ... Well Deborah and folks New year and new Goals to achieve made me think in this mode Quote: "Man has never made any material as resilient as the human spirit". I would like to share this thought with you I heard it on bbc radio-4 the other day and it really got me thinking about attitude that we all have about life? or more to the point our attitude we all have towards the day to day negative obstacles we have to overcome to gain our rewards in our life's working cycle ... Quote: "Allegedly a child falls over around 250 times before been able to walk on it's own" ... just another thought? so how is it as grow up and by getting older lot's of us seem to lose this ability to keep going when things get a bit tough or we start thinking we can't do what-ever ... Imagine this I over heard someone talking some time ago and it went like this: "I have given up on those French lessons I went to the lessons a couple of times and I just couldn’t get the hang of it!" ... also like me you will have read on-line many times where people give up after a few months on-line if they fail to earn mega bucks with-in that short time. ... I my-self have been banging away ... gaining marketing skills seeing this and learning that testing tweaking for the past 4 years and had that mind-set of "will this ever pan out to earn my ideal residual income" and some day's ... (Thankfully Not Many) ... Yes I to get disillusioned until my mind thinks of all the great teachers plus all this superb technology we get to work with mostly free. And of course where would any of us be if we did not have the benefit of setting and achieving our goals ... and being able to thank networkers who take the time and effort to put forums such as this so we can all network with like-minded people ... so in a nut-shell a positive attitude is possibly one hell of a mind-set we need to walk in the right direction to achieve in life as we succeed with our goals hope this post give you some inspiration in this new year . Good luck in 2006 or better still here's to a better attitude. Phillip Skinner Quote: "If the only prayer you ever say in your life is 'thank you', it will be enough".
The business can bring in hundreds of dollars with very little time or effort! Why are some people Wealthy and others Poor? Are there Secrets which the Ordinary Person can Learn
Deborah Skovron

2979 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/6/2006 1:37:42 PM
Hi Philip, Thank you for the Congratulations. I am enjoying my week. Really good quotes. And a Thank You is sometimes the best answer. Your Friend Deborah
BrandName Kidswear starting at $2.65. 12 Page Book thats creating miracles...FREE Where Money Grows Like Kids

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