Hello Again Myrna, Good to see you again. As for the information on the Miracle Noodles, you're very welcome. I've been ordering these for a couple of years now and I love them. I love both Pasta and Rice, either White or Brown, but as a Diabetic, these foods must be limited in my diet. With Miracle Noodles I can enjoy both and still keep both my Diabetes and my Weight under control. The answer to this questions seems to lie in understanding the role of fiber in our diets. The noodle is made mainly of soluble fiber and soluble fiber acts to slow digestion. By slowing the digestive process, there is a slower absorption of glucose which then requires a slower release of insulin from the pancreas which aids in the normalization of blood glucose after eating a meal. It seems that since the soluble fiber found in the Miracle Noodle slows digestion, eating the noodles prolongs the sensation of fullness. Also, one absorbs more nutrients in the foods eaten along with The Miracle Noodle due to the slowing of digestion. This makes the Noodles excellent for use in most weight loss plans. Just by replacing one meal per day with these noodles, you may significantly raise your needed fiber intake and dramatically lower your total calorie intake. In combination with raising your metabolic rate with moderate exercise, you may have just found the tasty weight loss plan you have been looking for. Even though, due to my Diabetes, my feet and legs will not allow me to exercise properly, using these noodles as part of an 1,800 calories daily diet has helped me to lose 35 pounds since March of this year. Once again, thanks for stopping by and thanks for being such a good Friend.  Have A Wonderful Week, Phil