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Dear Fellow Freedom Fighters, Australia
10/4/2011 4:51:21 AM
Dear Fellow Freedom Fighters,
To all intents and purposes, there are NO FREE MEN IN AUSTRALIA!
Try going to an Australian Court and saying "No free man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, either dispossessed, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner destroyed, nor pass over him, nor send over him, except by means of the lawful judgment of his own equals which is the law of the land" .. and see how far it gets you!
Australia's "evil counsellors, judges and ministers" are, without doubt, "the sons of (those) snakes" of England's 16th and 17th century.
Now, if you are a free man, then there's no lawful way you can be denied a Jury.
These cretins have now put in place their own regulations that, if you want some trusted friend to act on your behalf in Court, you can't have it. They tell you that you can only have a "legally qualified legal practitioner" to re-present you. They won't accept any "Power of Attorney" you may had had drawn up and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace. "Your consent is immaterial".
Also, they have come down on the practice of having a McKenzie's Friend. If want a trusted friend to help argue your case, again what you want is "immaterial".
A SLAVE is "a person whose consent is immaterial."
And what of when you sing the Australia National Anthem* with the words, "For we are young and free".
Australians are not free! .... Australians are all pathetic unintelligent slaves.
Being free means that you are not under the control or domination of someone else.Try to exercise any measure of freedom by showing any sort of resistance to orders by supposedly "Public Servants" (such as Police and Judges) and you will very smartly be dealt with by imprisonment, fines and your property and assets taken from you.
Of course, they are acting unlawfully.... but they don't care.
You may have the right but they have the might... and gleefully they doth use it.
What, again, are the 4 Boxes in Defence of Liberty? 1. the SOAP box; 2. the BALLOT box; 3. the JURY box, and 4. the AMMO box.
1. the SOAP box is treated with distain by the criminal and traitors... "Let they have their marches and write their letters. We simply ignore that rubbish."
2. the BALLOT box, ie: voting to representatives in parliaments, is well taken care of by the criminals and traitors .. and parliaments do whatever the bankster tell them to do.
3. the JURY box has been rendered impotent by people's lack of education, by misinformation from the media, by judges lying to and bullying everyone attending court (especially jurors), and simply by Trial by Jury, itself, being flat-out denied.
4. the AMMO box is also well taken care of because the criminals and traitors have disarmed a lot of the people while training and excessively arming their own forces against the people.
The Banks and Judges think they have the whole game wrapped up... and they do...... and the time is rapidly approaching when all resistance will be futile.
Our ONLY HOPE is with the 3rd Box in the Defence of Liberty.... the JURY Box ... and it is IN THE COURTS where we have got to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM by over and over and over and over DEMANDING our inalienable RIGHT to TRIAL BY JURY.
The RULE OF LAW is on our side.
Thomas Jefferson said,"If the people don't know how to govern themselves, then educate them."
The people need to be educated about "the glory of English law"... about TRIAL BY JURY.
To TAKE BACK OUR COURTS, we have to DEFEAT THE ENEMY who have taken them from us and are now encamped there.
"Australian Judges Are Frauds, Liars, Criminals, Traitors and Fools" is one of my leaflets and "Courts Are Government" is another.
Using any "clever" ploy of weaselling out situations by rabbiting on about "legal fictions" or "syntax" or such legalistic manoeuvring, actually recognizes and endorses their criminality and treason. You are saying, "Okay. You can continue to be the Judges you claim to be, and you can continue to destroy our laws and our liberties. As long as you let me off, that's all right with me, Your Worship, Your Grace, three bags full, Your Honour."
The Bill of Rights 1689 calls them, in black and white, "evil".
Firstly, we produce the PUBLIC NOTICE declaring Australia is a Common Law Jurisdiction (attached) and follow it up with a full-on CHALLENGE TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE COURT.
THAT is how we CLAIM WHAT IS OURS ......... and Australian Courts are OUR Courts.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
Chairman, Australian Common Law Party
PS: * Re: the Australian National Anthem, it's really only a song because the word "anthem" means "hymn" and there's no mention of God in "Advance Australia Fair".
PPS: I will be answering questions on Saturday the 8th of October at the Sydney Forum.