
Andrey Lyashkov

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Person Of The Week
The Truth of Nick Chou and His Easy TV Money System
10/3/2011 10:37:22 AM
Recently there has been a lot of talk about this unknown 32 year old Internet marketer who went from broke to millionaire in 3 years (with verifiable income). His name is Nick Chou. Three months ago no one had ever heard of him. Today he is on every blog and in every newsletter--mainly because of his brand new product Easy TV Money® that teaches people how to make money by simply watching TV at home.

I have done a ton of research about him and I found his story very fascinating. Today I will share everything I know about him.

Nick was born in China and came to the U.S. with only $200 in his pockets when he was 22 years old. Although he did have a college degree in China, he could barely speak any English. Because of that, he has been through much hardship trying to survive on his own. At one point he owed so much debt that his bank account was closed because of overdrawing. He had to count quarters in his piggybank to buy food. In the end, he managed to get back on his feet by working on 4 jobs at the same time.

During this time, he got into affiliate marketing and was able to make $1.5 million in 3 years. With those savings, he was able to start 3 other businesses that operate in 24 countries on 3 continents. His businesses span from food and drinks, international trading, child day care, and Internet marketing.

His new program Easy TV Money®, teaches people how to make money online by simply watching TV at home and following his system. It proves to be a major hit in the market. Within the first three months of its rollout, it has become one of the most talked-about products on the Internet.

The reason I like Nick's story is because it is an extraordinary American success story. He came to this country with almost nothing as a foreigner and was able to achieve great success in 3 years.

Many people have tried the Easy TV Money System with amazing success. I have tried out the system and I have to say that Nick is unlike other so-called "gurus" out there. He knows what he is doing and he only promises what he can deliver.

If you want to know more about how you can copy Nick Chou's formula and make money by watching TV at home, visit:

I also want to point out that Nick also shares his complete list of campaigns that he is still running to make $28,000+ per month. A great gem today among all the hypes we see every day on the Internet. Highly recommended!

To gain instant free access to Nick Chou's Easy TV Money System, go to:

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