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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2011 3:40:18 PM
Hello Myrna

Here is a few short video's to add to your truth seeking

Agenda 21 for Dummies

ChemTrails with cylinder underneath the planes

How far do these ChemTrails reach!

100% proof the illuminati control everything but are too blind to see

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2011 5:53:04 PM
Hi Amanda,

Thank you for all your information. I didn't know about the black cloud planes, however I do know about the chem trails. The Chem Trails are becoming less now, which is a blessing. The Illuminati is falling apart, as I write this. I just heard the troops are coming home by Christmas.
What good news. The Occupy Wall street movement, is another thing for truth. The truth will set us all free.

Robert De Merode

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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2011 6:36:23 PM
Hi Myrna,
It’s funny, yes funny the amount of nonsense that is going around about those Chem-Trails since some time now. Chem-trails are 100% natural if one accepts the burning off of fuel at high altitude. They are more prominent under certain weather conditions with regards to pressure, temperature and humidity. Humidity even if we accept to understand this factor when temperature is far below the freezing point. The plane in the video is a good o’l DC9 and not some black double spray pods on both rear sides, just engines.
No pilot would accept to spray and no company would accept to participate in such practice; planes are made for passenger transport and there is no room for other stuff on board. It is not because of the hoax with regards to the 9/11 planes that planes can be used for other reasons than those that they were built for. Effectively some techniques are being tested for creating rain clouds by spraying in some parts of the world with little results, but to dream of population eradication by these methods is laughable just as it is unrealistic.
To eradicate populations one only need to promote abortion as a human right, and 50 years later the job is done, Nothing more.
Jim Allen

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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2011 6:43:55 PM
Hi Myrna and Amanda,

Folks are misinformed and misled all the time. This is the beginning of most of the Resource Based Economy talk, when it went public so to speak. It is a mind game to enslave you very smartly contrived and implemented. Nothing is as it seems.

Bill Clinton issued an executive order to put into play parts of Agenda 21 necessary to begin the process of a NWO. What I see in these maps and plans for most our lands to be forced into so called Resource Based Centers. Resource Based due to their location to rail, air and water. It is against the plan to live outside of these area and either fined or jailed for living outside the so called resource areas. This is not a Free Society if this comes about. The previous President George Bush Sr. was in office when this plan was contrived in the UN. Remember a New World Order speech? Then Clinton and the Democrats have been implementing Agenda 21 in the United States.

Keep taking the free corn folks and you will become a prisoner.
Hello Myrna

Here is a few short video's to add to your truth seeking

Agenda 21 for Dummies

ChemTrails with cylinder underneath the planes

How far do these ChemTrails reach!

100% proof the illuminati control everything but are too blind to see

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2011 7:06:05 PM

Thank you for your post, but I know the chem-rails are for real. Maybe this is your truth, but not mine.


Hi Myrna,
It’s funny, yes funny the amount of nonsense that is going around about those Chem-Trails since some time now. Chem-trails are 100% natural if one accepts the burning off of fuel at high altitude. They are more prominent under certain weather conditions with regards to pressure, temperature and humidity. Humidity even if we accept to understand this factor when temperature is far below the freezing point. The plane in the video is a good o’l DC9 and not some black double spray pods on both rear sides, just engines.
No pilot would accept to spray and no company would accept to participate in such practice; planes are made for passenger transport and there is no room for other stuff on board. It is not because of the hoax with regards to the 9/11 planes that planes can be used for other reasons than those that they were built for. Effectively some techniques are being tested for creating rain clouds by spraying in some parts of the world with little results, but to dream of population eradication by these methods is laughable just as it is unrealistic.
To eradicate populations one only need to promote abortion as a human right, and 50 years later the job is done, Nothing more.

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