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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Truth tellers
9/28/2011 3:58:09 AM
Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your kind works. When I saw that of the Bishop I just had to get the word out. I hope others will post too. WE all want and need the truth.


Hi again Myrna and Amanda,

Today I had those thoughts about the kind of world we are living in and realized that in a way we are responsible for what is happening around us. I have also realized that if my kids complain to me what kind of world they have to live in, they will be correct.

The least we can do is to ensure that truth is shared and that we are not hiding behind excuses. If my kids or grand kids (I don't have grandkids yet) ask me what I was doing when all this crap was happening, I will tell them that I was holding flashlight and made sure that the ugly things are for everybody to see which you are also doing with great effort and care.


Robert De Merode

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RE: Truth tellers
9/28/2011 8:51:01 AM

Hello Myrna,

Good you brought this subject up.

The Bishop you mentioned is Bishop Williamson who got himself into trouble some time after having been outspoken in denouncing these lies. He was later cunningly lured into the question of the Jews in the last war. Shutting out all opposition as to what is truly at stake with the western world is the violent attitude of those who are on the path towards total globalization and thereby possession and control of its cityzens; be it by ways of abortion, euthanasia, genetic experimentations, spoils, denationalization, global warming and more, all under a false flag of freedom. There are hundreds of Youtube videos that pinpoint with total sense technically that they out way all the “official version” in every detail imaginable. The list is just too long to bring up here in this forum, and hopefully it will not be argued that people are still crying their loved ones who died because that is exactly what is needed for these horrendous murderous lies to continue.

Kindly, Robert

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/28/2011 5:52:29 PM
Hi Robert,

To me the end of the video where they are pushing the gentleman out the door for just asking a simple question is open for a lot of unanswered questions.

Also mentioned it takes a couple of weeks to prepare for demolition, how could they take it down that day?

Getting back to the Bishop Williamson, this is the first time I have ever heard any truth, yes Robert I do believe all that he said to be the truth. I am proud to post this as truth from a church. I have not heard of another church to stand up to what they believe. I don't care if he has gotten in trouble for what he believes, I think it is wonderful to see someone stand up to the world. More truth is coming out on a daily basis, that is if you do not listen to the main street media, because sir, they are telling you what they want YOU to know, not what is truth.

Thank you for your post, I think this is good for thought, it gives us all more insight into what is your truth and what is the truth.

Keep searching for the truth, it will be found soon.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
9/28/2011 10:22:54 PM
Hello Bogdan,
I agree.

I believe we have a duty and a responsibility to tell and share with other people what we know and when needed be able to back up with factual resources that they can read, watch or hear themselves especially if it is likely to effect them. - then it is up to those people whether they do something about it.

The responsibility then lies on their shoulders and if and when it comes to pass that we were right and they were wrong they have no recourse to come back to us and blame us for their decisions and choices.

However, should we be wrong, or inadvertently mislead someone then we have a responsibility to apologize. I believe our Heavenly Father will not hold it against us if our heart was in the right place when were sharing our knowledge to help.

But, if we have chosen to deliberately mislead and pass on wrongful information with the sole intent of leading others into trouble - We have left the safety of God's GRACE.



Hi again Myrna and Amanda,

Today I had those thoughts about the kind of world we are living in and realized that in a way we are responsible for what is happening around us. I have also realized that if my kids complain to me what kind of world they have to live in, they will be correct.

The least we can do is to ensure that truth is shared and that we are not hiding behind excuses. If my kids or grand kids (I don't have grandkids yet) ask me what I was doing when all this crap was happening, I will tell them that I was holding flashlight and made sure that the ugly things are for everybody to see which you are also doing with great effort and care.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/29/2011 3:27:42 PM
Becoming Extraordinary ...

"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds ... Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant fears, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be." -- Patanjali, ancient Indian mystic

Did you ever think you could do this? Present evidence to senators and film their response?
Probably not. Amazing that ordinary citizens have gone to such lengths to inquire into
an event in our history. Watch the senators' behavior. Do they care?


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