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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
5/17/2018 2:20:10 PM
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
5/23/2018 2:02:42 AM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 13 May 2018

I am shocked at what you have had to endure this week. My heart went out to you, my dear. The attacks on you have been escalated and they are difficult to endure. This goes to prove just how desperate the Cabal has become that they spend so much time and energy trying to eliminate you. There are three of you involved in freeing humanity from bondage. Two are in the direct control of the Cabal; one of whom was kidnapped in the UK. Four of you went to investigate, last Sunday, and you were shocked to find evidence that this person has fallen into the hands of the Cabal. Please pray that you will be able to carry out the work you are on Earth to do. Please send healing to my wife. She is in great need of healing, as she is trying to cope with a serious health problem as well as heart and lung failure.

They are in the process of closing down all normal connections between the human race except those that they approve. You must wake up and refuse to be told what you may or may not do, by less than 1% of the population. Do not blindly walk into this trap. The future of mankind depends on you opening your minds, making a stand, and saying NO, I will not be told how to live my life on Earth. They have used every trick in the book to fool you into trusting them. You will see their representatives as the heads of almost all governments. Look deep into their eyes and you will see when they are lying to you. They can no longer hide the fact that they are lying. Ask yourselves why are they all against Mr Trump. Why is Trump refusing to play their game? Why is he not one of them? Pray for him. He has more enemies than anyone else on Earth. WHY?

Stop reading the newspapers and watching the TV News. When you do so, you will cease to be slaves of the Cabal. Why would any human want to support them? Ignore their propaganda and they will cease to exist. By reading and listening to their lies, you are supporting them and continuing your own enslavement. Please wake up and face reality, for time is of the essence.

You have the opportunity to change everything and to take control of your lives. There are good people who are ready and willing to make the changes necessary for humanity to flourish. Veronica had meetings with one such person who is in contact with others, ready and willing to take us into the light. Good people are there, it is just a matter of finding them and connecting with them. Together, we are powerful.

The Cabal is REMOVING CONTENT FROM THE INTERNET. They have removed things from my own web site. They are trying to silence people who are speaking out, in an effort to hide the truth. They want to keep you ignorant, as a puppet obeying their commands.

Their scientists are creating new outbreaks of illnesses that will serve to remove many of you from the Earth. They have not given up on World War 3 yet. They will use whatever means necessary to kill off the human race. They feel that they must be prepared for all eventualities. As long as they kill humans, they care not how they do it. They want an Earth without people. Only people working together can stop their plans. Fear is their greatest weapon against you. Fear of illness ensures that you take their drugs and vaccinations. Fear of death makes you obey the ridiculous demands of religions.

Love is all you need. Think about it. We are all together in the afterlife, where we realise that religion and race do not matter. They are differences created by the Cabal. We are all SOULS EXPERIENCING LIFE ON EARTH. There is only one thing that you can be absolutely sure of, and that is that one day you will die. Then you will know the truth as I do. You will look back on all the propaganda and absolute lies that were fed to you from birth by religion, and you will wonder how you could have been so stupid to have entertained such lies. What a waste of a life!

We, on this side of life, are desperate to tell you the truth about the afterlife, and about who took control of humanity and the Earth. You want to protect those you have loved, but we can only do so much. To see Veronica suffer at the hands of the Cabal and my earthly blood family, causes me much pain. I should have protected her better when I was on Earth. My family stole all that I had left to her. This was never my intention. I did not foresee what J.D. and A.D. had planned. I trusted the wrong people. This is so easy to do when you are on Earth. Please do not make the same mistakes as me; protect those you love!

Take time to look at life and how you should live it. Make your decisions with love, straight from the heart. Let love guide every decision you make. Connect with others, whether in a queue, or on a bus or train, for you never know how important that connection could be. It may be someone who lives alone, who appreciates human contact, however brief. Every connection creates good energy that is needed to remove the darkness that has taken over the Earth. You create your future, so it is in your hands.

Never forget the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. This will ensure that you are never again fooled by such lies. The evil people who conned you then, continue to con you today. They can never be trusted. Say NO to another war, as nothing could ever justify it. Be very aware of those who try to convince you otherwise, for they are not to be trusted. They are enemies of the people. The Earth and the future of humanity is in your hands, so handle it with care.

My dear, I did warn you that it would get bad before it got better. We never expected it to get so bad. Be strong, my dear, I know that S. will help to sort out the legal side. He will also assist with our plans. Thank him from me. He is the right person to do this, as he has the necessary connections.

Message from Dave

Your cards, letters, and books, continue to be a great source of strength to Dave. They have made a huge difference to his life. Knowing that there are such kind, caring people in the world, restores one’s faith in humanity. He wishes to thank you from the bottom of his heart.

Contact Details
Dave McCann
, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
, California, 93712, USA.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
6/7/2018 3:55:32 PM
RE: A Journey to the Mountain of Love
6/7/2018 11:52:21 AM
In these times of change, you find yourselves being pulled in different directions which is confusing for many of you. You want to believe what your governments are telling you is true but all the evidence proves that they are following a plan.

Mr Trump is not singing from their hymn sheet. They will do all in their power to force you to accept their plan. They are withdrawing money from you so that they can take complete control of the masses. Think for a moment, what chaos this action would create: no money for food or shelter.

This is what you are walking into, unless you open your eyes and find your voice, and refuse to cooperate with the Cabal plan for you. We find it amazing, on this side of life, that there are still some who trust the Cabal and want to believe that all will be okay for them. I cannot tell you how foolish that attitude is. You alone can change this plan. You can create a world of peace and love. This is your moment: take it, go forward out of the darkness of today and create the future of your dreams. Courage is all you need to do this.

You are much more powerful than you can imagine. You were told by the Cabal that you are dependent on them. This is not true. The moment that you take back your power, they are finished. You are so much more powerful at this moment than you can imagine.

The timing is right. You gave the Cabal your power. Now you can take it back. It is yours. You foolishly allowed 1% to take the power and control from you, the 99%. Trust me, they are scared of you, as they see you open your eyes and see them for the parasites that they are. There is a remarkable interview explaining the takeover with someone who was part of the Illuminati, by Sacha Stone, who is working with the light to awaken the masses. Sacha's work is known worldwide. He is doing the ground work to prepare for his New Earth Foundation. He has made two visits to Dave in Fresno Jail. We, in spirit, applaud him for this, and for his kindness and friendship to my wife. Sacha cares about humanity. Listen to his words. He has the courage to speak out. He and his associates have covered every eventuality. They are prepared to lead the way with free energy, etc. Would that there were more like Sacha, with the courage to prepare for the future that humanity needs. Learn from the past, prepare for the future.

A conversation with ex-Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone

When you work together, you can create a future that now you can only dream of. Ask yourselves, do you really want your children to grow up in a messed up world like the one you had to endure? You were taught a history that is not true. You were 'advised' to eat the food that the Cabal has contaminated. You were forced to take medication and vaccinations that destroy the human body. Everything was designed to destroy human Life. Even your shoes suddenly became rubber soled so that you cannot connect with the energy of the Earth and all natural surfaces.

In our garden, you can stand in bare feet and feel the energy beneath your feet. This is yet another thing that has been cut off from you: your connection with All That Is. Veronica and I loved walking on my farm and connecting with nature and the crops I grew. You would be amazed how good it is for the soul to connect with nature. Walking hand in hand along the edge of the sea is pure heaven. We loved it, as it connected us with nature. The simple things are always the best. Such memories live forever.

The vendetta against humanity is played out every day on your TV sets and in your newspapers. It is in your face, yet still some refuse to see it. Their propaganda is churned out every day. It is insulting, revolting; yet the gullible lap it up and come back for more. Those with a brain see it for what it is, refuse to give it the energy it seeks.

Think for yourself, refuse to be led like sheep to the slaughter. You are meat to them. They eat your children and drink their blood. This is the fountain of youth to them. They hate humans, yet they eat them in order to survive on earth. They are making life exceedingly difficult for people to survive, such as my wife. A well known friend, M.J., called to let Veronica know that he is under severe attack. All those he had called in this field are also under attack. Those who have not been silenced by the Cabal are going through a very difficult time. Veronica has been inflicted with lipoedema. This is very difficult to live with. They are trying to close down the lymphatic system and so end her life. Veronica and I would appreciate any suggestions you may have on this situation.

A kind lady sent Veronica a verse that she advised everyone to say every day to release you from any connection with the Dark Forces that you may have been involved with in past lives. Please do this for your protection.

My dear, life gets harder to cope with every day. They are using so much energy on the three of you. They will fail to hold you down, be assured of that.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

A big thank you to all of you who connect with him. He asked that I remind you not to send postage stamps or anything with glitter etc, as the jail will return to sender and Dave will never see them. Things can only be sent through the Jail Commisary.


In the name of my Soul
In the name of the LIGHT FORCES
I cancel and nullify all and any past agreements and contracts with the Dark Forces.
All dark contracts are now, regardless of their content, regardless of my subconscious programs, and with my free will, I now declare myself free from those contracts, and from all influences of the Dark Forces, And now I decree full conscious cooperation between me and the Light Forces.
I now decree and I command, that my life be guided in full alignment with the Divine Plan, I decree miracles to be manifested in my life, in a way that will manifest happiness for me and for everybody involved.
So be it and so it is.

Contact Details
Dave McCann, MJ 03 A Pod 11, Booking Number 1621184, Prisoner ID 7076771, P.O. Box 872,
Fresno, California, 93712, USA.

NOTE: All translations can be found at

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
6/16/2018 1:20:00 AM

PUBLIC ALERT: Alleged Medical Kidnapping
