
Finally — The Reason the Courts Are Corrupt

By Anna Von Reitz

Want to know why our courts are corrupt? We finally, definitively, have the answer, and it is not one that you are going to like. I know that I am having a hard time, and yet, there is a certain relief in knowing the answer: sorta like having a disease and finally getting the diagnosis.

I have been blaming the judges and attorneys along with everyone else. But guess what? The Truth is now out and plain to see, with a clear, documented provenance from Point A to Point Z.

The corruption of our courts is only possible because our military is corrupt. Period.

The Territorial Armed Forces that have been quietly occupying our land jurisdiction since 1863 and operating under color of law this whole while, are also the ones supervising the cleverly disguised pillaging they engaged in via the set up of clandestine quasi-military courts in the military districts the Rump Congress created and which the military district commanders controlled:

March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 428), divided the ten Southern states into five military districts, each to be commanded by an officer not below the rank of brigadier general. Under the act the primary duties of these commanders were “to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers of the public peace and criminals.”

These provisions of the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed.

These military district courts using civilian contractors (Bar Associations) are still in operation, still pillaging and plundering and looting private property, under the presumptions of an undeclared mercenary war that has been over for 150 years.

These quasi-military courts display the “National Colors” with a gold fringe instead of any actual flag, because they aren’t part of our government or any other. They are private military subcontractors like Lockheed or General Electric and the United States Army is responsible for their operations, their oversight, and, yes, you guessed it, for their miss-administration, and criminality, too.

Fast forward almost a hundred years……you’ve seen “Point A” where the corruption started and now we go to Field Manual 27-5…..paragraph 12C regarding “supervision of the bar” on page 16. This is repeated in the 1947 edition, paragraph 12 c, page 20.

The same document on our website is here: 1947 edition on government website:

1947 edition on our website:
There it is– black and white– our own dear military is responsible for supervision of the Bar


The military has been letting the Bar Association run private “courts” under color of law for a hundred and fifty years; it is also responsible for letting the Bar Associations seize upon our babies in their cradles, create and pillage public trusts, engage in prisons for profit schemes, and bypass the constitutional guarantees the people are owed.

It goes right back to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The military leadership that Americans have followed to Hell and Back has in fact betrayed us and our country. We now have to know and admit that. On top of everything else.

They have failed 100% to protect and defend the actual Constitution and failed to protect those who are owed the protections of The Constitution, too.

All this time we have blamed the Bar Associations and their Members— and it is obvious that they have been a big part of the problem. They have been accomplices, apparently more than happy to mock justice, and content to sit back and profit from robbing their fellow Americans blind.

However, this is the wrinkle that sticks in our throat, the lump that is so hard to swallow— the realization that our own beloved military leaders have stood around with corks in their asses and let this all go down, standing by, letting the courts rape and pillage and wantonly trample on our Constitution, knowingly defrauding Americans of their identity, their heritage, their freedom, their land, their homes, and most terribly, their children.

There are only two possibilities and I am at a loss as to which is less probable: (1) the military services have knowingly and with malice pillaged and plundered their own homeland and countrymen for 150 years under demonic misdirection; (2) an as yet unknown, unidentified cadre of evil men within the territorial government have ill-advised and deluded our military leaders so that they have grotesquely neglected their duty to us and to their oaths.

These men must be put to the test and questioned closely about their failure to control and properly supervise the members of the American and International Bar Associations and their equal failure to police and supervise the operations of these pseudo-courts which they have allowed to infest our shores under color of law and false pretenses.

Literally millions of Americans who are not naturally or knowingly subject to territorial jurisdiction at all, have been robbed, pillaged, plundered, arrested, falsely taxed, illegally conscripted, licensed, charged, kidnapped, suffered under unlawful Bills of Attainder, involuntary peonage, unlawful conversion of their assets, false arrest and false imprisonment in contravention of the actual Constitution and these men have sat on their rumps and watched it and profited from it.

They must be given the information and forced to make a choice—- either the American way, or the highway. Either shut down these mock courts and accept the restoration of the American Common Law courts the people of this country are owed or be revealed as knowing traitors and criminals in uniform. They are under contract to perform “essential government services” — not to rob and press-gang and otherwise presume upon their employers.

The Field Manuals also give us insight into exactly how our doctors and dentists and other health care professionals have been co-opted into participating in the venal and filthy practice of stealing claim to and custody of our children and claiming them as chattel property donated to the incorporated State of State organizations.

See Field Manual 27-5, 11 d, e, and f. These civilians have been arbitrarily defined and conscripted as “Uniformed Officers” and forced under involuntary servitude to obey private corporate “law”

instead of the Public Law. They have then been forced to register our children as chattel donated to these deceitful, usurping, and criminal enterprises—-which again, the military brass has allowed.

The doctors and nurses, like the decent members of the Bar Associations, have had no real choice in the matter, and the perpetrators have licensed them so that they cannot make a living without submitting to participation in this horrific criminality amounting to human trafficking, kidnapping, and worse.

We are left with a most uncomfortable choice and crisis of faith.
General Dunford? General Mattis? General Kelly? Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump?

How do you propose to drain the swamp, when it very much appears that the military has created the whole cesspool, nurtured it, fed it, defended it, expanded it, allowed it, imposed it, and profited by it for 150 years?