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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/6/2015 11:56:43 PM

Montague Keen Message for April 5, 2015

Greetings to all on this Easter Day. It is customary to have chocolate at Easter. Veronica always ensured I had a constant supply of my favourite chocolate. I wish you all an enjoyable day.

As daylight increases, the light of humanity shines ever brighter. It exposes all that is dark and corrupt. Your awakened minds can no longer accept the lies you are being told publicly, especially on TV and in the newspapers, as fact. Truth can no longer be hidden. You have begun to question and explore the truth for yourselves. You are shocked at the sheer arrogance of the lies which insult your intelligence. The Cabal has come to realise that they cannot get away with their “inventive stories” that replace the truth, anymore. They have been rumbled.

Today, I want to show you what others have found to be the truth. I am not the only one pointing you in the right direction. Humanity’s future depends on you accepting the absolute truth and discarding the false history that was deliberately imposed on you. The annihilation of humanity has been going on all around you for years and you were unaware of it. This was planned and carried out by the Cabal with your help. It is time it stopped. Together, you say NO, I will not contribute anymore to this slaughter of the human race. You are in an US or THEM situation. What you were taught had began in the East, did not. It began in the West.

Today, we quote from Andrew Power’s book, IRELAND LAND OF THE PHARAOHS.

p.69, “‘Silver tongued’ quislings like Clinton, Blair and other high-level ‘global’ politicians (in reality systemic puppets) are strategically placed to control aspects of the deception and to keep us ‘endlessly herded’ and perplexed. They know the value of keeping ‘the useless eaters’ (as one of the Elite chillingly described the so-called masses) in conflict with each other. Divide and rule is the active axiom. Ireland is a good example, although the same template has been used throughout history in most countries. The use of historical and mythological events, like the ‘Battle of the Boyne’, is used to further an agenda we are, so far, ignorant of. As an aside, the so-called ‘Irish Peace Process’ won’t work, it was never meant to, and never will in its present form (2003); it is just another facet of the agenda put forward to confuse. This will become clear as our story develops.”

pg.91, “It would be remiss of me to leave this chapter without briefly mentioning the ultimate ‘conspiracy’. Have you ever heard of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? This infamous document came to light in Russia during 1905 and was translated by one Victor Marsden in London in 1910: ‘Marsden stated he could not work on the protocols more than 30 minutes at a time because their contents were so evil. It was supposedly the minutes of a meeting held by a cabal of Jewish bankers whose intent was to take over the world by manipulating the Goyim (a Jewish slur word for Gentiles). Ever since these writings were brought to public attention there have been fierce debates as to whether they were genuine or not. Berne, Switzerland, was the scene of the court case to decide their authenticity in the years 1934-35. The court concluded that the Protocols were a forgery, a strange judgment if it was trying to say they never existed. If they were a forgery there must have been an original. This is a complex and confusing study and worthy of a volume of its own.”

The only comment that is added here is to point out some of the ideas found in the Protocols were originally penned by Maurice Joly, a Rosicrucian and an eminent Frence lawyer, in his pamphlet Dialogues in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, 1864. This was seen at the time as an attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon, but it also demonstrates the shadowy hand of the secret societies in the controversy. This is borne out by claims that the Protocols were the work of the 18th century Illuminati who were by no means exclusively Jewish although some of its members were. We will use several samples taken from ‘The Illuminati Protocols’ to further underline the assertions in this chapter that there is something very powerful, not connected to religion or nationality, working behind the curtains in the throne room. For good or evil; who knows…?

We are too strong – there is no evading our power . . . the nations cannot come to even an inconsiderable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in it . . . Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheism . . . Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other. (Italics added)”

p.104, “These concepts seem, on the face of it, very pessimistic but only through understanding the parasitical system do we have any hope of overcoming it, and to overcome it we must, to free our minds. In the final analysis it is the Elite Houses who have constructed the parasitical system, a Global Prison, a prison without bars. No one can explain the deception logically. How can anyone explain a delusion that is so powerful and omnipresent that it is impossible for most people to fathom? One of the ‘jailors’ mocks: ‘It is only the small secrets that need protecting, the big ones protect themselves by public incredulity.”

For example, the Illuminati realized their secret protocols would eventually be publicly revealed. Thus, they drafted their protocols to appear as a Jewish or Zionist plot to place all human beings under one-world tyrannical rule. They even mistitled their document The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Throughout that document, they also shrewdly planted a Jewish slur word for Gentiles to describe their targets — the goyim.”

This is sufficient for today. Please understand that this information is essential if you wish to survive what is about to happen in your world. The pyramid of power is about to topple. They cannot survive the light. Sending light to the ley lines everywhere and to London is working. Humanity must survive. Every one of you can play a part in your survival, even from the comfort of your armchair.

This has been a particularly difficult weekend for Veronica. The attacks intensified. All who are trying to guide you to the light are being badly attacked. We will create the Centres. We will help humanity to cope with the transition from control to freedom. You need to fully understand how controlled you have been; who has controlled you and changed your history, and created false religions to ensure there was conflict at all times. They needed the bloodshed and fear to survive . . . and you supplied it.

It is all coming to an end, my dear. The attacks will stop and you will live in peace. Then our work will take off.

Always at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/14/2015 2:10:43 AM

Montague Keen Message for April 12, 2015

My friends, the time has come when action is needed on your part. I have guided you forward. I have shown you what is required of you. We do our best on this side of life. We now need you to act together on your side of life. We show you the way and open your eyes to what was done to you, to enable the Cabal to create the prison planet you have become accustomed to living in.

Freedom is within your grasp. Open your hearts and minds and embrace the light which becomes more apparent every day. Many of you are aware of the energy changes. You feel a sense of excitement, and so you should; the control systems are crumbling. It is their time to relinquish all control. The light is exposing all that is evil and you can now see the power structures exposed. All their evil plans are laid bare before you. When they are removed (and they will be), help will come to humanity. There will be no distinctions, no third world; there will be equality. The Cabal has done all in its power to destroy and remove humanity so that they alone could claim Planet Earth for themselves. This will not be allowed.

To understand how you can reclaim the Earth for humanity, you need to know how it is controlled and how you are kept in ignorance and darkness.


This is fact. Area 51 has tried to harness the ENERGY of Ireland. CERN was built to try to capture and utilise the energy of Ireland. When the Irish people wake up to what was done to them and their country, they will remove everything relating to the Vatican from their land forever.

I ask you to go to the interviews that Veronica did with the Galactic Historian, ANDREW BARTZIS. Go especially to No 3, where you will learn the truth. Veronica asked Andrew, “What is Ireland?” Andrew replied, “Ireland represents the most important part of the Earth system of original foundation before domination and control took effect.

“The technology underneath Ireland is like a hive. The ant hive of getting into tunnels that lead into other sets of tunnels, which get you into 12 dimensional fortification systems. That is the first KEY to understand what Ireland is. Ireland is the KEY to the vault.”

“All of the energetic tunnels that connect to the Earth birthing system, lead to Ireland. There are master control chambers under the Irish continents that are in there, deep underground.”


Veronica, “What can the man in the street do now?”

Andrew replied, “Walk your feet over the lands. Bring your prayers, your intentions, bring your concept of what a ceremony is. Begin practicing spiritual cleanliness. Begin understanding that the world you lived in, particularly London, really is a haunted place. That it takes the people and their intentions and their heart-space to begin to free this trapped energy there, that has been trapped there by ancestors who created a sacred geometry system, knowing full-well that future ancestors would have a toxic spiritual environment to inherit.”

“Ireland represents a group of independent time travellers who can stick the thorn in the side of the church at many different timelines and all four paradoxes. If Rome does not do whatever it can do, to make sure that the proper Irish soul families don’t live on all four timelines, but are separated on all four timelines, and are refugees all over the world, and are considered the lame ducks of society; then they are doing their job to make sure that those ancient time travellers couldn’t manifest in our world again, unless they manifested through the Catholic Church that existed there in Ireland.”

“Irish history is connected to the Egyptian history, the pharaohs. Egyptian mummies have been found all throughout the Irish isles.”


“The Egyptians who believed that you go to the different phases of their underworld, through a boat to Ireland.”

“What might happen if a very powerful metaphysical teacher of the Egyptian spirituality decided that they wanted to GO TO THE GREATEST INTERSECTION OF THE PORTALS THROUGH THEIR DEATH ?”

Veronica Keen, “Did you know that Tutankhamun’s DNA is 98% Irish?”

Andrew, “Yes, I did”.

“Ireland has been under so many massive timeline attacks that almost caused additional paradoxes. It was a massive, massive, battleground, like World War I trench warfare, but on a timeline scale.”

“The biggest thing that is going to be hard to physically prove, would be the creation of the Titanic, that was 1913 to 1917. They built a number of ships, because that’s when all the big time-travellers would be manifesting in Dublin, would be manifesting all throughout the Irish isles so that the metal skilled workers were there, because the Titanic was a massive, massive, massive need in the timelines. The metal that came to Ireland was enchanted with the Irish isles ENERGY, and when it sailed the ocean, it was doing very positive good. And that is why it was sunk with all those bankers that were on it. It was a massive set-up of timelines that would even crush the Irish energy resistance that was trying to reconnect to sacred geometry grids with a massive vessel that was built by Irish hands.”

“Those ships were taking the energy of Ireland across the oceans and connecting it to different sacred geometry systems and they were actually trying to counter hijack the sacred geometry system with a massive metal resonating boat. I know it’s huge. Those guys at the timeline projects are going to be pissed off with me, but it’s time to tell the truth.”

“Ireland was the place that MI6 did all its occult stuff. There were so many secret rituals done in Irish ceremonial places, all throughout the Irish isles during World War II, that it will make the Nazi expression that we’ve known about occult, look like kid’s play.”

There is so much more information that Veronica and Andrew Bartzis brought to your attention that you need to research. The filmed interviews are on our website and on YouTube.

Now, perhaps you will understand why it is necessary to have our first Centre in Ireland. Sadly, many of you listened to the trolls who set out to prevent it happening last year. Many of the donations were returned as requested. It is for humanity that this work must be done, and I ask you once again to consider giving, so that our plans for a Centre can go ahead as soon as possible, so we are all prepared when the Cabal ceases to control humanity.

My love, one day your hard work will be understood. We have not got long to wait now.

I will be at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

The accountant will visit me on Tuesday, after which an amended financial figure for the Centre will be displayed on the homepage.

I have been dealing with severe attacks. There is a massive attempt to stop my work. Please send me healing. I am under attack now. It must stop.

Source: Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/16/2015 2:51:59 AM

Jim Dean VT 4-15-15 (via Ha’aretz)… “How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S.”

This piece appears to show some of the background behind the Dimona reactor in Israel, which according to VT was a key player in the development of “suitcase nukes” (and others), including some that were used on 9-11 (see some … Continue reading

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/20/2015 10:44:18 PM

Preston James VT 4-19-15… “Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned and plotted against by World’s Top Military and Intel”

There are a few Prestons I’ve not posted, in part because they seemed to be repeating the same storyline. Which is fine, if it intended to keep pressing home the point(s) he is trying to make. This one, however, seems … Continue reading

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/21/2015 3:55:03 AM

Montague Keen, Sunday, April 19, 2015

Since my passing in 2004, I have gently guided you to look at Ireland. Until you do, the Cabal will carry on regardless, destroying all human life on Earth. Until you honestly face the TRUTH, you cannot hope to rescue humanity.

You do not see anyone asking the right questions of your politicians or the Vatican. Who has questioned the chemtrails, the fluoridated water, the GM food, or the vaccinations that are being used to wipe out the human race? By doing nothing, you are giving the Cabal permission to carry on, regardless of the consequences.

Veronica has her family with her, this weekend, to celebrate her birthday on 21 April; because of this, I will be brief.

Veronica received the following email:

What is the role of Ireland in the Global scheme of things?

At 1 hour 20 minutes of LINK below:

The four (4) races of people that the cabal want to keep down:
– Irish
– Scottish
– Native American Indians
– South Africans

Ireland seems to be important in the scheme of things.

. . .

Michael Tsarion says:

Ireland has been the number one (1) target of the ‘old world monolithic conspiracy’.

The kind of priesthood that Ireland gave rise to . . .
The true “pure ones” (Aryan) civilization was founded here in the West.

Every single motif, every single tradition of culture worth its salt, originated in the West.

You find derivatives of it in the East.

. . .

Knowledge from the “Servants of Truth” (Druids) [Drunvalo’s name is a Druid name, meaning, as I remember it, little tree on the edge of the forrest, and I believe it was given to him by the Druids.. ~J]

knowledge of herbs
knowledge of healing
knowledge of animal symbolism
knowledge of music
knowledge of poetry

The measurements of the ancient megalithic sites is more precise the more you move towards the West, until you finally get to Ireland and the megalithics are most precise.

The DNA of Minoan civilization (Crete civilization) is Western. They (main stream media) hate this.

The Western origins (Ireland) of civilization are being discovered.

This culture (Ireland) first had to be destroyed for the malignant conspiracy that we know today and we have been laboring under for a millennia.

One tradition (Ireland) had to be utterly destroyed.
One entire way of life (Ireland) had to be utterly destroyed.
One entire world view (Ireland) had to be utterly destroyed.

We know this destruction as the First oppression of Ireland.
We know it as the destruction of the Druids.
We know it as the destruction of Irish culture.

This (Irish) tradition had to be suppressed.

This (Irish) tradition had to be destroyed; in order for any of the pathological stuff to be built.

With the Druid’s Gnosis (knowledge) . . .
While the Druids lived there was no chance of any malignant thing lasting more than 5 bloody minutes.

Ireland was number one (1).
Ireland was the first zone of attack.

What is deep in the Irish genes does not exist anywhere else.

Ireland plays a deep role in prying loose the prison gates for everyone else.

It explains why Ireland is heavily fluoridated. 98 percent of Europe is not fluoridated.
Ireland is fluoridated.

Michael Tsarion on Open Your Mind: “The Dying Conspiracy” (23-11-1014 Interview)
Published on Nov 30, 2014.

I suggest that you read it and listen to another person’s views on Ireland. Veronica and I hold Michael Tsarion in very high esteem. It is Veronica’s dearest wish that one day, Michael Tsarion will agree to film a discussion on Ireland with her. Unless you understand what was done to Ireland and the Irish people, you cannot hope to escape the conditions that have been imposed on you by the Cabal, where the majority of people can barely exist in a world of plenty.

Veronica deserves to spend quality time with her family this weekend. I will be there, enjoying the humour and the good food, as the laughter always lifted my spirits. To be with one’s soul family is a privilege; never take it for granted. My dear wife and her family made me happier than I ever knew it was possible to be.

We are at your side, Veronica, guiding you every step of the way. Your trust in me never wavered, even for a moment. We continue to make a remarkable team.

My love surrounds you, always. Your adoring, Monty.

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