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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/8/2014 3:31:50 AM

Montague Keen Message 12-7-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica58A few points of significance stood out for myself are below.

"You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as "Useless Eaters" [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.

"The genetic grid is calling all those on Earth who are without souls, to prepare to gather together, in order to take their leave. They face extinction if they remain. They cannot take all that they have acquired on Earth with them; so their riches will be left behind.

"The battle for Planet Earth has reached a critical stage. You must make a stand. The Prime Creator will become involved for the first time in the history of humanity. There are those on Earth who need your support. Forget race or creed, it is humanity as a whole that needs to survive. We cannot give you all the details, as that would leave Veronica and those who help her, vulnerable to attack. She has suffered too many attacks as it is.

"This is a time of great change. Take a positive part in this change. Your future depends on the decisions you make at this time. Let the love of humanity guide you."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 7 December 2014

You are getting closer to your goal each day, as the corrupt and their corrupt practices are revealed. You can be in no doubt now about those who have held humankind in slavery. They are doing their utmost to hoodwink you so that you continue to serve them. The power they possess is what they have taken from you.

You are at the crossroads. You have to make a choice: slavery or freedom? They see you as "Useless Eaters" [Henry Kissinger]. They despise you; as to them, you are there only to serve them. Everything they have, they have taken from you, and you allowed them to do so.

The awakened Irish are taking to the streets on the 10 December. Listen to their call, it's straight from the heart . . .

On the 10th of December Ireland will Rise

Every country in your world will follow the Irish lead. Everyone who is awake should be with the Irish in spirit as they march to lead humanity out of oppression. On the 10 December, humanity should WALK AS ONE to demand the removal of all that is corrupt. This is the first step that you have been waiting for. Ireland will lead the way.

It would have been good if we had the Irish Centre available, but due to false accusations and deliberate obstruction, sufficient money was not available. So we'll try to find another suitable building. Please bear with us, as we will succeed; this is too important to abandon.

The genetic grid is calling all those on Earth who are without souls, to prepare to gather together, in order to take their leave. They face extinction if they remain. They cannot take all that they have acquired on Earth with them; so their riches will be left behind. You almost allowed them to take over the Earth completely, and they used every conceivable method to prevent your awakening. People have been cruelly used to give false information that all is well. Some even said that a spaceship would come to collect you, to take you to the light. But NO: THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Remember, your oppressors have technology that is unknown to you. They can enter the minds of those they feel they can use. They want to get rid of you, as they want only the soulless to inhabit the Earth. The tax you pay to them is used to pay for the poison in your water, the poison in your food, and the poison in the air you breathe. Then, they KILL you with vaccines and medication when you become ill from all their poisons. You must wake up and realise this. You pay them to destroy humanity so that they can take over your planet.

The battle for Planet Earth has reached a critical stage. You must make a stand. The Prime Creator will become involved for the first time in the history of humanity. There are those on Earth who need your support. Forget race or creed, it is humanity as a whole that needs to survive. We cannot give you all the details, as that would leave Veronica and those who help her, vulnerable to attack. She has suffered too many attacks as it is.

Their removal was planned. It needed the right people to return to Earth, with minds that are open to the destruction and takeover of Planet Earth. There are those on Earth at this time, who have not shown themselves as yet. When they do, they will leave you in no doubt as to who they are. Everything will happen when the timing is right. We, in the world of Spirit, will do our utmost to help you overcome your oppressors. We will then help you to create a world without conflict. A world where thought will become the norm, as it is here. You have a lot to learn. When you come out of the control system and realise that your are beings of light, you'll see that you are capable of so much more than you can imagine right now. It will be so exciting for you to learn who you are.

Look to the future. You will quickly forget this present life with all its doom, gloom, and control. When the control grid is lifted, the Earth will return to being the beautiful planet that it was before it was taken over.

Humans are beginning to recognise those who are not human; those who just appear to be human, those who are without a soul or empathy of any sort, and those who can kill thousands of people without a second thought. You witness this over and over again. The FEAR that this creates is the oxygen which they NEED, since they thrive on the spilling of human blood. Humanity facilitates this need without understanding that it is killing its own kind. Think carefully before you agree to wear a uniform. Look honestly at what will be required of you. You will be asked to oppress or eliminate your fellow man. Do you want to do the dirty work of the Cabal ? They NEVER go to war, since you do it for them !

Those in power are there, only because you, the people, put them there. YOU are responsible for putting them in power. You are fooled by party loyalty, etc. You must learn to think of yourselves as human beings; your loyalty should be to humanity, not to race or creed. You entered the world without labels and YOU ARE FREE TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. Labels are foisted upon you, and foolishly, you accept them. But you are always able to free yourselves, and to think for yourselves, and to decide how you wish to live your experience of life on Earth.

This is a time of great change. Take a positive part in this change. Your future depends on the decisions you make at this time. Let the love of humanity guide you.

Send love and light to the Irish, as on the 10 December, they peacefully endeavour to take control of their country. Use WORDS, not bullets. It can be done. The time has come for action.

Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.

This is a difficult time for you, my love. I am always at your side.

Your adoring, Monty.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/22/2014 1:21:54 AM

Montague Keen Message 12-21-14… “The battle between the Light and the Dark has begun a new phase”

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica59Quite a block-buster of a message from Montague this week. I feel it somehow also connects to this YRFT post from yesterday.

"The battle between the Light and the Dark has begun a new phase. The cabal will not leave the Earth without a major fight. They will not respond to any diplomatic invitations to leave peacefully. If you think you are not at war, right now, you could not be further from the truth. This war is being played out on every level, and it will become more visible in the very near future. Your sky is heavily overcast because of heavy chemtrailing, thus preventing any tell-tale signs of what is going on.

"The light energies will descend to Earth and they will make themselves known to you. You know what must be done. Nothing can stop this shift. The Dark Ones will try to lure many people into what they will tell you are friendly spaceships. They are NOT! The dark needs souls to fill other dimensions and they will be lost to humanity. Parts of your world will be destroyed on the orders of the cabal. They want to create panic, as they need your FEAR. They will always twist the truth.

"...The Dark Side is trying to silence you. They do their best to prevent the truth ever getting to you. They need to hold you in the matrix of 3D OBLIVION. Again, they have placed a grid over the ley line grid of the Earth. The survival of Planet Earth depends on your work on the ley lines...

"The cabal will not succeed, but they will take as many of you with them as they can. You must stand your ground. You cannot do this with closed eyes. You need to develop routines to protect yourselves. Connect to the field of your heart, and through that to the centre of the Earth, one way, and to the Central Sun, the other way. Step into a column of light, then you connect with heaven and earth...

"You each have a responsibility to all of humanity and your planet from which you cannot hide. Go with the changes, work with them. You will be fine when you stand together, as you cannot be defeated. Those of the cabal who refuse to vacate Planet Earth, will either combust or vapourise. That will not be a pretty sight, but it is their choice.

"Enjoy the festive season, as it will be the last in this form. Soon, you will be able to celebrate your liberation from all darkness."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 21 December 2014

Veronica, my dear, it is heartbreaking for me to see you attacked in so many different ways. The pain you have endured in the last week was caused by the severe shock. This was unforeseen, so you were unprepared. It was fortunate that your friend was staying with you. I thank her for her kindness to you. She has witnessed the attacks and will one day write about them. The reason why the attacks have intensified is as follows.

The battle between the Light and the Dark has begun a new phase. The cabal will not leave the Earth without a major fight. They will not respond to any diplomatic invitations to leave peacefully. If you think you are not at war, right now, you could not be further from the truth. This war is being played out on every level, and it will become more visible in the very near future. Your sky is heavily overcast because of heavy chemtrailing, thus preventing any tell-tale signs of what is going on.

ASK, what are they hiding from you? When the sky is clear, take the time to check out the "stars", as strong movements can be seen emanating from their surfaces. Also notice how your moon changes shape from time to time. When this happens it is clouded very soon afterwards. Things are not what they seem. This has been so for a very long time.

There are different species trying to hold on to Earth. I will not name them, as I have no wish to alarm you. There are species walking the Earth that appear to resemble you, but this is not so. Such as the ones who managed to enter our home. Your friend was able to protect you.

The light energies will descend to Earth and they will make themselves known to you. You know what must be done. Nothing can stop this shift. The Dark Ones will try to lure many people into what they will tell you are friendly spaceships. They are NOT ! The dark needs souls to fill other dimensions and they will be lost to humanity. Parts of your world will be destroyed on the orders of the cabal. They want to create panic, as they need your FEAR. They will always twist the truth.

I know that some will not wake up, even when the truth is in their faces. The cabal is counting on this. Look at the symbols in your streets: the mannequins in the shops with their curled horns. These are signs of the beast, right in front of you. What is the message behind this ?

More and more people who dare to speak out are being locked up, murdered, or are having an 'accident'. The list is growing. The Dark Side is trying to silence you. They do their best to prevent the truth ever getting to you. They need to hold you in the matrix of 3D OBLIVION. Again, they have placed a grid over the ley line grid of the Earth. The survival of Planet Earth depends on your work on the ley lines. This is of supreme importance. PLEASE continue this work. In time, you will be shown how important your input into the survival of the planet has been.

The cabal will not succeed, but they will take as many of you with them as they can. You must stand your ground. You cannot do this with closed eyes. You need to develop routines to protect yourselves. Connect to the field of your heart, and through that to the centre of the Earth, one way, and to the Central Sun, the other way. Step into a column of light, then you connect with heaven and earth. No one with negative energies can step into the light, so bring light to yourselves in any way you can. Protect the Earth, for the cabal has blocked the light of the sun. It will be fine-tuned again. You will move into the 5D Lemurian Age. It has remained buried in your memories, but it will flourish again.

Earth is preparing to endure major changes, way beyond your imagination, in order to bring you into the New Era, which is a new dimensional state of life. Lemuria never left the Earth, it just went out of sight, beyond perception. You are now in the End Game. It brings to an end the long period of enslavement, which has not only enslaved all living beings on Earth, but the Earth, Gaia, itself. You now have a chance to make a difference. So be part of this liberation and experience this transition first hand.

You each have a responsibility to all of humanity and your planet from which you cannot hide. Go with the changes, work with them. You will be fine when you stand together, as you cannot be defeated. Those of the cabal who refuse to vacate Planet Earth, will either combust or vapourise. That will not be a pretty sight, but it is their choice.

We in Spirit watch this war. It is brutal to the extreme. The cabal has everything to lose, so it will continue to the bitter end. We have seen many casualties on both sides.

Forgive me for bringing this information at this time of happy family gatherings, but forewarned is fore-armed. You will have lots of time to discuss this over the holiday.

Enjoy the festive season, as it will be the last in this form. Soon, you will be able to celebrate your liberation from all darkness.

My dear, you are still very fragile. Take care, and try to have a break, as you are under such stress.

We are always with you. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/22/2014 3:43:19 AM

A lot of info on here. Brace yourself for some shockers.

Preston James VT 12-20-14… “Intel Cowboys (Part II)”

Another “powerful” piece by Preston. I chose to use Preston’s subtitle rather than the main title, so if you want to see that, go to the article itself, or read on. And if you’re looking for “Intel Cowboys, Part I”, … Continue reading

Posted in cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast | Tagged ,
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/29/2014 12:10:40 AM

Montague Keen Message 12-28-14…

by kauilapele


"Everything on TV, in the newspapers, your education, food, water, and air, etc, has been planned to hold you in 3D. All the history you have learned is untrue: totally false. It was written by your controllers to confuse your minds. Nothing - and I repeat, nothing - began in the East. It began in the West. THIS ONE TRUTH exposes that all you have learned is a total fabrication. Those of the cabal invented religion, and they wrote the bible to ensure that you accepted their conspiracy. Christ lived long before the Roman Catholic religion ever existed. Nothing they state as "gospel" is true. They created a story about Christ that is not true: there was no stable, no cross, no nationality.

"There is a huge effort on this side of life to rescue humanity and Planet Earth. We are being assisted by benevolent beings from other planets and by awakened souls on Earth who have devoted their lives to this end... The truth is that you live in a world you know nothing about. The Cabal can even read your thoughts, so they are always one step ahead of you. Until you awaken and stand together, you will remain helpless.

"Remove the shackles of control. Remember, the cabal cannot exist in the light; so shine your light, and share it with all those on your path, and you will restore peace. That is all you need to do. The cabal is frightened of your light, as it is more powerful than their weapons. When you do this, we in spirit will walk amongst you again, to help you to restore harmony.

"Be prepared and make plans for when the cabal leaves the Earth. You need to be ready to cope with the mess they will leave behind. They will destroy as much as they can as they leave...

"Please do all that you can to help create a better future for all humanity. A future that is free of corruption. The removal of harmful chemicals in the food, the water, and the air, and in medicines etc. Begin making plans for how you would like life on Earth to be... Look to the future which you are about to create. Ensure it will be peaceful and harmonious for all who dwell on Earth."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 28 December 2014

The whole structure of life as you know it, is falling apart. It is being exposed. Confusion abounds as all you believed in is laid bare before you: FALSE TO THE CORE. Humanity has been victim to the greatest con in the history of the universe. You, my friends, are the ones chosen to reveal the truth and remove the corrupt from positions of control. It is time to see the illusion for what it is, and then restructure life on Earth for humanity. Those who forced their way on to Planet Earth, inveigled their way into positions of power world wide and altered the true history of Man to suit themselves, must now prepare to leave the Earth in the same way they forced entry. They can never raise their consciousness. They will always remain in 3D. This is why they put so much effort into keeping as many of you as possible in 3D: always there to serve them. Sadly, many of you are too frightened to engage with the truth and move forward. You have bought into the control system, so you may have to live out the remainder of your lives on Earth at the 3D level.

The Battle in Space is still being kept from you, but soon, the evidence will become visible to all. The battle for your souls is relentless. This is obvious to all who are awake. Many of you have had your frequency stolen, though you are completely unaware of this. It renders you completely controllable and servile. This makes it easy for the cabal to use you as slaves, to attack those who try to awaken you to the control system. You sold your souls without understanding what you were doing. The cabal has planned everything for the last 2000 years. The only thing they did not take into account was the AWAKENING that has happened. They did not believe that people could raise their consciousness so that they could see clearly what has been going on.

Everything on TV, in the newspapers, your education, food, water, and air, etc, has been planned to hold you in 3D. All the history you have learned is untrue: totally false. It was written by your controllers to confuse your minds. Nothing - and I repeat, nothing - began in the East. It began in the West. THIS ONE TRUTH exposes that all you have learned is a total fabrication. Those of the cabal invented religion, and they wrote the bible to ensure that you accepted their conspiracy. Christ lived long before the Roman Catholic religion ever existed. Nothing they state as "gospel" is true. They created a story about Christ that is not true: there was no stable, no cross, no nationality.

There is a huge effort on this side of life to rescue humanity and Planet Earth. We are being assisted by benevolent beings from other planets and by awakened souls on Earth who have devoted their lives to this end. Those whose purpose it is to assist us, are being unmercifully attacked with weapons of which you have no knowledge. The cabal has far more sophisticated weapons than you are aware of. You only know of the scalar and microwave weapons etc. When those within the Cabal travel, they do not use methods known to man. They can move at speeds that would astound you. Your ignorance keeps you in your place. The truth is that you live in a world you know nothing about. The Cabal can even read your thoughts, so they are always one step ahead of you. Until you awaken and stand together, you will remain helpless.

The Irish people have realised this fact. They have come together to make the changes required; and in this, they will succeed. Please pray for those who try to lead you out of the darkness. Some are going through the most horrendous experiences, including chemicals in their food and water, and implanted devices. Benign objects can be used to implant dark energies, as well as thoughts and objectives which are totally alien to the individual concerned. These people need your help as they struggle to break free from this dark control.

Once you retake control of your planet and remove all that is dark and corrupt, everything will be restored. The sun will shine once more and peace will be restored. Remove the shackles of control. Remember, the cabal cannot exist in the light; so shine your light, and share it with all those on your path, and you will restore peace. That is all you need to do. The cabal is frightened of your light, as it is more powerful than their weapons. When you do this, we in spirit will walk amongst you again, to help you to restore harmony.

There was a big effort by the cabal to prevent our Centre in Ireland. They fear the awakening of the Irish to THE TRUTH OF WHO THEY ARE. The Centre needs to happen, as it will give the lead to other countries to do the same, and come together and remove all that is corrupt. Ireland will lead the way. We will have Centres all over the world because people will need help to adjust to a completely new way of life. My colleagues and I, in the world of spirit, wish to thank all those who continue to have faith in my work with Veronica. We know it is necessary and so it will continue. Love will guide the way forward. There is no place for spite, as such attacks harm the soul. Your soul is forever; everything else is momentary.

Be prepared and make plans for when the cabal leaves the Earth. You need to be ready to cope with the mess they will leave behind. They will destroy as much as they can as they leave. Humanity has destroyed their plan to have a planet of their own with just a few humans to serve them; a planet without 'useless eaters'. They could then have lived in their true form, with no need to cope with human-like bodies. They could have just been themselves, free to look as they really are.

2015 is about to begin. Will you resolve to spread light and love to all of humanity? Will you stand together with your fellow man, to remove all that is dark and corrupt from the Earth? Please do all that you can to help create a better future for all humanity. A future that is free of corruption. The removal of harmful chemicals in the food, the water, and the air, and in medicines etc. Begin making plans for how you would like life on Earth to be.

May I ask you to understand that Veronica is going through a very bad time at the moment, coping with attacks and lack of sleep. She is concerned about friends who are being held by the cabal. For this is the cabal's last stand, and they are lashing out at everyone they perceive to be in their way. The battle has become quite vicious. Send love to the one who struggles to free himself from the shackles of the cabal. He chose to experience the depths of the darkness before his return to Earth, in order that he would be able to empathise with others who have experienced it.

Look to the future which you are about to create. Ensure it will be peaceful and harmonious for all who dwell on Earth.

My heart goes out to you, Veronica, as I know what you are going through. It is not easy. It is a difficult and painful path, but we will achieve what we set out to achieve. We are three in one; and when one is hurt, all three are hurt. This cannot be changed, as it has been so since before time began. The three of us have worked successfully together in many lifetimes and we will continue to do so.

We surround you with love and light, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/30/2014 3:55:55 PM

Benjamin Fulford’s Response to Patricia’s Email about Chemtrails… “Always try to find a bright spot and work on making it brighter”

by kauilapele

benjamin_fulford_ottowa_senators_shirt_20This came up in one of the comments to Benjamin Fulford's latest article. I felt it would be useful to some to post this.


Comment by patricia on December 30, 2014 @ 1:31 pm

I sent the following e-mail, addressed to Ben, to him. Ben’s reply follows:

Benjamin, the WDS need to act quickly. Our biosphere, and climate, are passing the tipping point of no return. The Arctic Methane is now venting, and deliberate steps must be taken NOW, to reverse this process, otherwise the entire planet will be a broiler oven, in a few decades. We will see a total extinction event (like the PETM extinction), if the methane venting continues.

Also, the “chemtrail” aerosols are creating drought, poisoning everything, and destroying the ozone layer. This is causing a huge increase in deadly UV, over the last twelve years, and is the real reason for dying oceans, forests, coral reefs, tide pools, insects, and animals.

My youtube channel has concrete proof, which exposes these classified military programs. Here is insider information, from a pilot, who sprays aerosols for USAF:

It is very likely, that the only way to stop these classified genocide/ecocide programs, is to hyperinflate the dollar. So, I have to ask, what are the BRIC nations waiting for? Any further delay will mean total extinction.

Please let me know, how I can help the WDS.

Thank you,
The Haarp Report

Comment by fwgoatherder on December 30, 2014 @ 1:54 am

Ben’s reply:

The chemtrails issue comes up frequently. I have not seen them recently in Japan. The problem is now mostly concentrated in the US so it is up to the American military to act. An agent for pentagon military intelligence once told me the sprays contained reflective material needed for a laser based radar system with a resolution as fine as one centimeter.

As far as the ozone layer is concerned, what that was really about was that the Dupont family patent on refrigerator coolants was about to expire. For that reason they demonized it as an ozone destroyer so that they could replace the old refrigerator coolant with their freshly patented new version.

Remember the cabal entities feed on negative emotions and pessimism so always try to find a bright spot and work on making it brighter.

If everybody did what they could in their own lives, the planet would change for the better in short time.

Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン


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