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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Truth tellers
10/22/2011 4:47:32 PM
Hello Bogdan,
Concerning my scientific proof with regards to a child’s sand barrage in an attempt to stop the seas, I confess to not having one, sorry for the high expectations ;-)
Have a great W.E.

Hi Robert,

What I look for in discussion is the depth of ones understanding of the discussed issue, their expertise/experience and amount of information they can provide to back up their claims. If none of this is offered, the discussion is strictly opinions which is nice but doesn't bring anything for the sake of convincing one or the other side of the conversation. Keep this in mind.

Robert De Merode

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RE: Truth tellers
10/22/2011 5:53:13 PM
Hello Bogdan,
Wishing for scientific expertise/experience to backup any opinion that one may have by common sense or otherwise in a debate is tantamount to the very problem this thread wishes to expose. Moreover, limiting an opinion only when it is preliminary conformant to political, scientific or cultural correctness is not in line with free speech or with respect to contradictory theories or ideas.
I did however; in a post in the former page of this thread give a link to a rather long but thankfully not too in depth confirmation of my statement.

Here it is once more:

I’m afraid that to search amongst other things, for scientific proof that rain is natural and does not harm the humans species of mother earth is something yet to be submitted were it to be so. ;-)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/22/2011 10:03:27 PM

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
10/23/2011 2:54:00 AM
This is the best video I have seen for explaining everything
after all the others I have watched..and is only 27 minutes long

Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance

Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die. There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance. Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love. It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There IS NO division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this. It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance. Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems. Everyone

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/26/2011 1:24:16 PM
This belongs here, it is food for thought, but most of all truth. Truth to yourself.

HEAVEN #3988 Moving to a Palace, October 26, 2011

God said:

Your life is your interpretation of it. Your life is as you say it is. If you don't admire your life as it is now, then see it differently, interpret it differently, speak about it differently. This is a great secret I give to you, only, you have always known this secret, and still you held on to your life as it had become familiar to you.

You have every opportunity to change your life. Unless you are satisfied with it, change it. Change starts in your thoughts and not in action. Changing your thoughts is not like rearranging furniture in your house. In your house, you can move furniture around until you like the arrangement.

It's not the same with moving the furniture of your life. Let the changing of your life be the result of your changing thoughts. Certainly, there is doing in life, yet you change your life from the inside. Because you might move to a palace does not yet mean you are a King. Having a million dollars does not make you a millionaire. Plastic surgery may fix your nose and, yet, you keep the same image of your face. Change comes from within.

You may divorce one wife to find you marry a new one just like the one before.

Changes on the outside will be made. You may move to a new town, and, yet, before you know it, life is the same. You who walk down different streets are the same you, simply walking down different streets.

Rather than a face lift, lift your heart. Give your thoughts and your heart something new. Make your thoughts more beautiful. This is something for you to do. Embrace new thoughts, happier thoughts, and you will be happier. A new car makes you happier for a while, yet We are talking about filling your heart with refreshing thoughts.

Do not drag the same suitcases of thoughts along with you. Let them go. New thoughts for all.

If you are a pessimist, become an optimist. Do it fast. No more delays.

Unless you have something good to say, don't say it.

If you were to build a new house, you would not use rusty nails. If you want to feel better, boost your thoughts. Take protein drinks of new thinking. That will give you new strength. You have been putting the cart before the horse. Changing the exterior of your life before you change your mind - your way of thinking - is putting the cart before the horse.

A tree does not grow from the outside. It is from the sap within that the tree grows and its growth is seen. And, so, you are a sapling that grows. Whatever happens to you on the outside is nothing next to what happens inside. How deeply your thoughts influence you. Surmount your old thoughts now.

If you have been inculcated with thoughts that say you are not good enough, listen to Me and remind yourself of what I say, for I say you are beautiful. I say you are brilliant. I say you can be all that you want to be, and all that you want to be begins with your thoughts now. One way or another, your thoughts will change. Change them now.

If your house is robbed, no matter how innocent you may be, you attracted the robbers. Perhaps your thoughts have been that you have been denied, and so robbers come to your house to deny you.

At the same time as I tell you that there is no cause and effect, I also tell you that you are responsible. To live the life you desire, elevate your thoughts, and so your life will be elevated. No more old thinking. Old thinking will get you into the fix that you think you are already in.


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