International Domain Name ( IDN )AuctionsMake Money Two Ways.
How do you sell a domain for $36.5 million dollars?
Well, first you have to let the world know
you have it and you’re accepting offers.
When you're online, putting something up for sale means an auction site.
Domain auctions happen all the time, and auction sites
that facilitate the transactions follow the same standard.
When a domain investor sells their domain to the highest bidder,
the auction site retains an industry standard fee of 10%
of the gross sale of the domain. Global Domain International (GDI)
will retain the same 10%, but we want to share it with you and your network.
GDI will only keep half of this 10%. The remaining 5%
will be distributed as commissions to the 5 upline affiliates
of the IDN owner in the amount of 1% each.
For example, if a domain sells for $10,000, 90% of the gross sale
is kept by the domain owner, or $9,000.
GDI will retain the standard 10% for facilitating the transaction,
or $1,000 and then distribute $500 of that,
in the amount of $100 to each of the 5 levels of the IDN owner’s upline!
So, not only does a GDI affiliate receive commissions
on the purchase of IDNs in their network,
but also when that domain sells at the Auction site!
Mohd Jamil Osman