I don't know about schools in a lot of other places but I can tell you that here -- there are a lot of problems.
Often the kids are labled and put into classification system, and often they never get out of that classification.
Over 35 years ago when I was in school, all the kids has ONE test in ONE class, and those with physical and mental challenges when to special schools.
Now I'm not saying that was all for the good, but the best thing was no one was put into a classification system or group and than not challenged by one level of teaching.
The world as a whole does not care about what group or class you are in, but about performance and achievement. Simply put can you do the job. When we hold people back by what ever means -- generally they will be that way all of their lives.
In the real world we all are competing against one another in all most every thing that happens out there.
Roger L. Martin