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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Len Lachapelle, The 291ST POTW
8/20/2011 8:54:34 PM


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Jim Allen

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Len Lachapelle, The 291ST POTW
8/20/2011 9:27:46 PM

Kill_Joy.jpgUSABear2_Congrats_KMG.jpgUSABear2_Congrats_KMG.jpgCongratulations Len, I hope you enjoy yor week as our 291st Person of the Week. I enjoyed your bio and look forward to exploring our common interests. expPartyanimalYB.gif



Len Lachapelle

I am the father of two beautiful children who have given me seven wonderful grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

I've owned several brick and mortar businesses and the one thing that I've found that is a common thread between those businesses and an online business is you must, and I repeat, must advertise to be successful

I have been marketing online since 2004 and one of my greatest joys is sharing the knowledge I've gained with others to help them succeed.

As Zig Zigler said: If you help enough people get out of life what they will get out of life what you want.

Len Lachapelle

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Len Lachapelle, The 291ST POTW
8/20/2011 10:11:26 PM
Hi Len,

Have a great week.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Len Lachapelle, The 291ST POTW
8/20/2011 10:48:18 PM

Congratulations, Len!

You're very correct about advertising...I've heard it said that advertising a business is like watering plants, and we've all known people who "wonder what happened" when their plants shrivel up or when they don't make any sales...and they always say "I can never grow plants, or every business I've tried is a bummer..." (yep, they say that, every time!) LOL!

Advertise! Water Those Businesses!! :)

RE: It's Time to Congratulate Len Lachapelle, The 291ST POTW
8/21/2011 12:19:23 AM
Congratulations Len, enjoy your time in the limelight.

God Bless Everyone