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9/28/2011 10:06:43 PM
Hello Karen,
I posted this over on JimIII thread and as you have posted a similar here, and we seem to be of the same thought.
I thought I would bring it over so I am not having retype..

Is impeaching a US President the right word or action?...whom by his own admission in this video, is not a 'Natural Born Citizen' which is a requirement and law of the US Constitution... and whom has been elected and he was and is fully aware that there has been and still is deliberate means to keep the majority of the US citizens deceived by covering by fair means and fowl every piece of information that could of proved he was not eligible much sooner than 4 years after many people starting hearing the rumours.

I reckon Obama is a Terrorist, no different to what Adolf Hitler did to the Germans - he has terrorized people into submitting under his authority with threats and in some cases taken action too.
How are terrorists actioned?


There are other videos where he has said he was not an American right from his own mouth. he has spent more tax payers money then all president combine since George Washington!. and now we have no money he has made it so our country is not safe and more.he wants to get hold of all of our young people so they can be come his better to destroy our country then to put a terrorist in the white house as president.
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10/5/2011 10:04:06 AM
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Something very big will happen in America within the
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It will be more devastating than the credit crisis of 2008.
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It will touch Americans harder and deeper than anything
else we’ve seen since the Great Depression.

Michael Lombardi feels so strongly about this, he’s
decided to present his "Critical Warning Number Six" in a
new video.

In case you’re not familiar with him...

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related investments when gold traded under $300 an ounce.

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I call Michael’s new video controversial because most
people will not like what he has to say...they will find it hard to
believe until they see all the facts as Michael presents them.

Michael’s first five predictions have already come true.
Now he’s issuing Critical Warning Number Six. I urge you to
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