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RE: It's No Secret
8/15/2011 2:12:54 AM

Phil I love the Cathedrals and you may have seen the couple of videos I posted with George Younce in the joke thread. He was definitely a man of joy and laughter.

Deb I'm sorry about your sister, I know how that is because I lost a younger brother in 2000 and I still miss him. I was 15 when he was born and being the oldest of 7 it kind of fell to me to help with all the things you have to do for a baby.

I think we get it in our minds that only a certain kind of songs are to be sung at funerals and because my mother loved the song "How Great Thou Art" her pastor, who has a wonderful singing voice, sang it for her, one last time. I loved hearing George Beverly Shea sing it over the years and for your enjoyment here he is singing it at one of Billy Graham's Crusades and also one of my favorites "Moving up to Glory Land" by the Cathedrals featuring George Younce.

RE: It's No Secret
8/15/2011 2:34:24 AM
Phil, I hope you don't mind but this thread has brought back so much nostalgia and such wonderful memories, I am going to post one more video. How can we older folks forget the Chuck Wagon Gang? Another great quartet and this is one of my favorites they did. "Sweet Beulah Land" Have an awesome week. :)
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RE: It's No Secret
8/15/2011 3:55:11 AM

Hi Deb,

I'm glad that you stopped back by and Thank You for sharing your story about your Sister. My Mom & Dad have been in Heaven for many years now, Mom passed in 1989 and Dad in 1994, but every so often I'll hear a Song that brings back a Smile and some wonderful memories. You see, Memories are what God gives us to help us keep our loved ones in our Hearts and Minds until we meet again.

I always tell folks that I was doubly Blessed, since I was able to sing at Daddy's Wedding and again at his Funeral, or as we normally call it, his "Homegoing". About a year after Mother died, Dad met and married a wonderful Christian lady from Sanford and since she was used to hearing me sing Hymns around the house when I was working, she requested me to sing at their Wedding. Unfortunately, Dad died from Cancer only 4 years after they were married, so I gave a brief Eulogy and sang one final time at his Funeral. Matter of fact, I sang two of his favorite songs by a man that I know Evelyn is familiar with, and probably Jim as well, "The Ol' Pea-Picker", Tennessee Ernie Ford. Please listen with me one more time to Take My Hand, Precious Lord and Peace In The Valley.

Thanks Again my Friend for coming by and for sharing these wonderful Memories with us.

May God Bless You & Keep You,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: It's No Secret
8/15/2011 2:08:54 PM

Hi Jim,

Thanks so much for stopping by and Thanks for sharing the wonderful Music Video. Yes, there's nothing quite like those old Southern Gospel songs to bring back Good Memories. The shape that our Country is in these days, I think that we could all use a good dose of That Old Time Religion.

Have A Wonderful Week My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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RE: It's No Secret
8/15/2011 3:11:36 PM

Hi Mary Evelyn,

You can share all of the Good old Gospel Music you like here at my Forum. It brings back many sweet Memories. See, Momma was born a Southern Baptist, and most of my early memories of her around home, involve her singing the old Baptist Hymns, or an old Gospel tune from the Chuck Wagon Gang or the Blackwoods, or some such group, as she was working around the house.

Speaking of songs at Funerals, we have sung many a song from the Chuck Wagon Gang over the years, such as I'll Meet You In The Morning or one of Momma's favorites Whispering Hope, but my favorite song by The Chuck Wagon Gang has to be Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb.

The music that we sing at Funerals these days is a little different, but the message is still the same. I preached the Service and we sang at a Funeral for a young Friend who passed away recently after a long battle with Cancer, and I have made the others in our Group promise that they will sing the same Song at my Funeral one of these days. It's All My Tears by Selah. If you listen to the message, it kind of says it all, at least to me. Looking forward to the open arms of my Savior. Thank You Jesus.

May He Bless & Keep You My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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