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Jim Allen

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Poll "The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit...
8/5/2011 2:51:02 PM
Is this a statement you agree with?

"The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own self-interest"

Yes or No real easy to answer, but be sure what you are answering. Are you answering "no" so you look good in the community? Then your real answer is "Yes"

So here it is
Do you agree with the following?
"The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own self-interest"
Yes - (2)
No - (1)
Still riding the fence - (0)
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 3

Please login to vote.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Poll "The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit...
8/5/2011 2:52:15 PM

61% have heard of Ayn Rand, 35% have a favorable view

61% have heard of Ayn Rand, 35% have a favorable view

Ayn Rand, the American author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, is known for her philosophy called Objectivism, which celebrates reason, self-interest and human achievement. Since the middle of the twentieth century, she has achieved a following among some Conservatives and Libertarians. Recently, there has been increased interest in Rand and her ideas among the Right, with high profile Republicans such Paul Ryan touting her philosophy. A recent YouGov survey reveals that while a majority of Americans have heard of Rand, fewer agree with her.

According to the survey, 61% respondents have heard of Ayn Rand. Across political party affiliations, Democrats and Republicans are about equally likely to have heard of the author. Independents are slightly more likely to have heard of her than members of either party.

Across political ideologies, a different pattern emerges: those who identify themselves as Liberal and those who identify themselves as Conservative are more likely to have heard of her than Moderates (with respectively 75% and 71% of Liberals and Conservatives saying they have).

Among those who have heard of her, opinion on her philosophy remains fairly evenly split: Read On

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: Poll "The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit...
8/7/2011 4:16:42 AM
Hi Jim,
I started reading Ayn Rand when I was in my teens. I've reread her books over the years many times and aside from her views on religion I am in agreement with her on almost every other issue.
Her philosophy has been proven to be right on the mark and her predictions unfortunately are a mirror image of what's happening in the United States today.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Poll "The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit...
8/13/2011 6:53:59 PM

Per Seth Larrabee Willie Crawford on Facebook==> BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1 (800) waa-waaa. This is Dr. Sniffle reporting LIVE from Quitchur B*I*T*C*H*in'. If you like this, repost it. If you don't. . . suck it up cupcake, life doesn't revolve around you! ;-)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Poll "The proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit...
8/14/2011 1:15:33 PM
Hi Jim,

I didn't want to respond to this post first because you didn't provide the option "None of the above"
In my understanding, there is no "proper" or "moral" life purpose as those are left to one's interpretation.
As long as you are satisfying your ego, you will never attain your life purpose as ego will be never satisfied.

The only time your ego is not involved, is NOW. If you can live in NOW, you are reaching deepest realms of yourself as ego is not blocking it. Only deep within yourself you can find your purpose.



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