Peter Fogel was on the judging committee that helped decide which forum won and that forum was awarded cash as a result. He manipulated that as much as he could and was outraged when my forum won. I was not even at home when this happened and did not know what was going on but I did not receive any prize money for that one because closed the Best Forum Award with that.

(The below was postet by Geo and not alley cat.)
"As result to the above six hours later I blocked JoAnne from my forum and I blocked and deleted Peter from all kind of contacts, because what his is doing right now together with his closes friends is to spread hate and fear to intimidate to all our Islamic friends. This kind of posts should immediately stop. I don't share his ideas and the best for me and the community is to stay away form him. What he is doing is against the rules of this community. He is behind all kind of failures lately and he is the one who instructs some of his friends how to work and act to his favor to make him a King but he did not expect me and some other friends to react and expose all this fraud in this community. He was thrown out from the BFA Judging Committee*, thrown out from the POTW Administration and technically forced out by accepting a resignation from the POTY after we announced a warning to all members for a cheat in the contest. He is now libeling all those who dared to say their meaning in this case. Both of them are unconsicously proud and egocentric to accept their failure.

* A month back Peter told my "in secret" in a skype chat that he was a member in the BFA Judging committee."

Are you beginning to see a picture rise out of this stink?? A person who likes to control other people.