Hello and good morning,
Facing Life's Unknowns
HEBREWS 11:23-29
The New Testament writers would often refer to the lives of Old Testament men and women. In this way, they could encourage believers and remind them how the Lord worked in previous generations. Spiritual principles that guided the faithful in earlier times remained practical for early Christians and are still applicable today.
When we face a worrisome situation, we can look to Moses' example. His life was unpredictable and full of unknowns, yet he "endured, as seeing Him who is unseen" (v. 27). In Greek, the root word for endurance alludes to the capacity to bear up under difficulty. The Israelite leader successfully resisted pressure by keeping his focus on God rather than the events surrounding him. Endurance is the mark of a mature Christian.
If someone asked, "Have you seen God?" most likely you would say no. Physically speaking, you'd be right, but in a spiritual sense, everyone who receives Jesus Christ has the capacity to discern Him at work in the world. We do this by reading the Bible, where we learn about who God is, how He functions, and what He expects from us. Apart from Scripture, people can imagine all sorts of wrong concepts, so we must turn there first.
Next, we can identify the Lord's work in other's lives. Examining the experiences of modern-day saints yields knowledge of God and encourages us. Finally, we recall His hand in our own past. In addition to daily prayer and Bible meditation, take time to praise God for His intervention, mercy, and guidance in your life.
Kathy Martin