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Don Weathersbee

285 Posts
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YOU are the message!
7/6/2011 10:54:56 PM
Hi my friends of this forum,

In M-L-M, people get very caught up in "What ad should I run?" And sure, some ads out-pull other ads. But the key to your success is not the ads. The key to your success is:

Can you get a steady stream of people looking for a solution to their M-L-M frustrations? And can you build a strong relationship with the people you talk to?

Your prospect must believe that you have a workable system, and that you can help them be successful with it ... that you truly want them to achieve their dreams. You are the message, not any ads you may run.

So you can get what you want by being who you are ... and using the Better Web Builder system.

To Your Success,

Don Weathersbee

Better Web Builder

P.S. For more information about Better Web Builder and the free tools to help you build your Network Marketing business, please Click on Free Business Building tools!

I started Alternative Defense because of the high crime rate. I feel it is personal responsibility to protect yourself. Not everyone wants or is it legal in some states and cities to carry a concealed weapon. So what would be an alternative to carrying such a weapon. That is where Alternative Defense comes in. We carry many different types of products to choose from such as; Personal Alarms, MACE, Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Animal Repellents, Safety Lights, Knives, Metal Detectors, Diversion Safes, Child Safety Products, Instructional Fighting DVD’s and much more. Please click the link to the right to learn more about Alternative Defense. Alternative Defense Thank You, Don Weathersbee Your friend and Servant!

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