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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: A Few Words About Me ...
7/2/2011 3:19:06 PM
Yes, I can see you two in each other. The first time Sergio posted I thought OMG he sounds like Branka. This is such a delight to see you Branka and thanks so much for bringing another delight and that is Sergio. Life is getting better here at Adlandpro having you back and along with you comes a twin.(How good is that) whoooooooohooooooooo. I love you both.
Big hugs,

Ah lol, I already have been addicted to be considered a domestic bee :)) - so kind from you to respond firstly to Sir Roger.

Roger, Sergio has spent a pretty amount of time in your country.

In my country, he is so rare (almost unique) plant, lovable, intriguing and best of all THINKING ONE. He is my hurricane twin-bro - you'd be amazed if you could watch the speed in which he creates. Like having additional 4-6 hands, without making almost any mess ... it's a true pleasure to be near by and to watch his work. Sara is interested to feature his art, and I feel great to contribute to their connection.

Roger, love you so so much (like always, but haven't told you sooner :) )


Branka Babic

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RE: A Few Words About Me ...
7/2/2011 5:31:48 PM
Myrna - love you so much!
It would not be easy to say who is original and who is alike original :) because Sergio is original to me and opposite :). Only what counts is a greatness of each second we spend together. We both are happy to be here.

Just have found something great on the fb wall and wished to share it here:

"Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant? Copy if you're against racism!"
(author unknown)

RE: A Few Words About Me ...
7/2/2011 6:00:43 PM

Sergio, Branka, Myrna & Friends,

You are all making me very happy!! I will be taking a break during these really hot hours of the day. I am having a reaction from an antibotic I had to take and it is causing discomfort. I will eat now and rest for a bit (relax) as I have developed a skin rash. Yuk!!! I hate to take medications but this was a have to!

Love to all and hope to see Mico back, I will post some more of his paintings later.



Branka Babic

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RE: A Few Words About Me ...
7/2/2011 8:39:03 PM

Sergio, Branka, Myrna & Friends,

You are all making me very happy!! I will be taking a break during these really hot hours of the day. I am having a reaction from an antibotic I had to take and it is causing discomfort. I will eat now and rest for a bit (relax) as I have developed a skin rash. Yuk!!! I hate to take medications but this was a have to!

Love to all and hope to see Mico back, I will post some more of his paintings later.




Sorry to hear that you need antibiotics, and experience all what follows their use.
We have a low temperature and I enjoy it.
Sergio was very busy in his atelier. He did something what could be considered a master-piece, but when he came up from atelier - his beard was like he spent 3 days in woods. How does creativity affect beard-growth? How weird thing!

I am affected by his excitement and inspiration, and I need some nice music to get me back to my peaceful contemplative waters. How about this?

Sara, sending you a specially good vibes and much love, to improve your heath and getting rest.



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: A Few Words About Me ...
7/2/2011 9:53:26 PM


This is turning into a great celebration.

And so it should.
