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Some Inspiration To Start Your New Year Off Right!
12/30/2005 6:41:49 AM
Choices Some people sit – some people try; Some people laugh – some people cry; Some people will – some people won’t; Some people do – some people don’t. Some people believe and develop a plan; Some people doubt – never think that they can; Some people face hurdles and give it their best; Some people back down when faced with a test. Some people complain of their miserable lot; Some people are thankful for all that they’ve got; And when it’s all over — when it comes to an end — Some people lose out and some people win. We all have a choice — we all have a say; We are spectators in life or we get in and play; Whichever we choose — how we handle life’s game; The choices are ours — no one else is to blame. -------------------------------------------- Possibilities When your dreams start to seem so impossible, When roadblocks are all you can see — Look beyond all the problems that face you And focus on POSSIBILITIES. Don’t limit your thoughts to the present Or solutions you have learned from the past; Remember to keep looking forward — You may find the answer at last. It is YOU who determines your future — How your journey through tomorrow will be; To fill all your days with adventure, Dare to see what no one else dares to see. So never let obstacles stop you — Or keep you from doing your part; Have faith that your dreams are all possible If you truly believe in your heart. -------------------------------------------- "The Train of Life" Some folks ride the train of life looking out the rear, Watching miles of life roll by and marking every year. They sit in sad remembrance of wasted days gone by, And curse their life for what it was and hang their head and cry. But I don't concern myself with that, I took a different vent, I look forward to what life holds and not what has been spent. So strap me to the engine, as securely as I can be, I want to be out on the front, to see what I can see. I want to feel the winds of change, blowing in my face, I want to see what life unfolds, as I move from place to place. I want to see what's coming up, not looking at the past, Life's too short for yesterdays, it moves along too fast. So if the ride gets bumpy, while you are looking back, Go up front, and you may find, your life has jumped the track. It's all right to remember, that's part of history, But up front's where it's happening, there's so much mystery. The enjoyment of living is not where we have been, It's looking ever forward to another year and ten. It's searching all the byways, never should you refrain, For if you want to live your life, you gotta drive the train. ~By Marv Hardin -------------------------------------------- To All My Friends Here At AdlandPro I Wish All Of You A Very Safe, Healthy, Prosperous, And Happy New Year! Make 2006 Your Best Year Ever, And Let's Start It Off With A New And Positive Attitude! Love To All Of You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Some Inspiration To Start Your New Year Off Right!
12/30/2005 7:41:19 AM
Hi Marilyn, True inspiration, thanks.

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Re: Some Inspiration To Start Your New Year Off Right!
12/30/2005 9:43:32 AM
Hi Marilyn, Those are really some great thoughts to start the New Year off with. Thank you for sharing them with everyone. Have a Blessed and Happy New Year. Your Friend Deborah PS. I really enjoy your forums!!
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Re: Some Inspiration To Start Your New Year Off Right!
12/30/2005 1:22:39 PM
Hi Marilyn. Great one, all three.LOL Happy New Year and everything you dear to dream.
Re: Some Inspiration To Start Your New Year Off Right!
12/30/2005 1:47:20 PM
Marilyn where do you find the all? You my friend are a great inspirayion to us all here at Adland Pro. I am bless to have you as my friend! God Bless and Happy new year, Johnny Ford

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